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It was something he just had to do. 

Hunk was centimetres away from being crushed between two battleships, and if it weren't for Keith's quick reflexes and sudden bout of self-sacrifice, Hunk wouldn't be stood talking amongst his fellow Paladins, laughing off all the injuries he'd obtained that day. They were all anxious; Hunk was just as valuable as anyone else and Keith knew he had to take desperate measures in order to save him. As he took off his helmet, he began to walk towards the showers to clean all the sweat and dirt from his sore body, prepared for another lecture shoved down his throat by Allura. He knew he shouldn't. Self-sacrifice wasn't necessary—except for this time, it was.

Lance was the most concerned out of everyone. His gaze shot daggers into the back of Keith's head as he wore a convincing smile to join in on the conversation. With a hearty laugh, he patted Hunk on the back and bid his fellow Paladins goodbye, before he let his anger take over, and Keith was suddenly shoved against the nearest wall and yelled at, his terrified face hidden in the protective collar fitted around his neck. The Blue Paladin was furious. Veins protruded his sweating forehead as he slammed his palm against the wall behind Keith, hissing as he did so.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" he seethed. "You know it wasn't reasonable to sacrifice yourself! You almost fucking died!"

Keith was equally as angry. He saved Hunk the only way he could, given the opportunity, and he couldn't believe his own boyfriend was chewing him out for it. He didn't care how dangerous it was, they all committed some kind of terrifying act every single day. Lance was yelling so loud the other Paladins had walked away to prevent interference. But, shit, his caramel skin shone so beautifully underneath the castle light Keith couldn't help but grin.

"If it weren't for me, Hunk would have been crushed!" Keith shouted. "Why can't you just be fucking thankfulfor once?! Maybe set your priorities a little higher, huh!"

Lance fell quiet. His dark eyebrows knitted together in anger, and the smaller Paladin saw his jaw clench to prevent another argument from escaping. Keith knew he was in trouble. He felt intimidated, which was rare, especially in front of Lance. The Blue Paladin was often reluctant to yell, too.

"My priorities?!" Lance spat, storming closer to Keith with a fire melting the icy ocean rippling in his eyes. The smug grin on the Red Paladin's face irked him. "Do you want to know what my priorities are?!"

"Go ahead," Keith smirked, but his tone quickly turned vulnerable as Lance backed him up against the wall. His hand grabbed and squeezed his groin, leaving Keith speechless except for a single whimper. "Fuck—!"

The Red Paladin threw his hands up in surrender, knowing his entire body was in Lance's hands. The scent of angry sweat mixed with Lance's own thick musk sent Keith's head spinning. His Galra instincts were vulnerable; Lance smelled like sex and only sex. At this point, he didn't care what Lance did. He knew he had to be punished for his actions and remembering how rough Lance could be sent petrified shivers down his spine.

"Y'know, I don't care what you do," Lance growled, palming Keith's clothed cock which hardened against his will. His body was such a traitor. The taller boy's breath was so deliciously hot against the shell of Keith's ear. "But right fucking now you're mine, and if you darepull that shit again I won't spare you, Kogane. Understand?!"

"Y-Yes—ahnn!" Keith swallowed, panting heavily as his fingers latched onto Lance's broad shoulders. His cheeks flared knowing that the other Paladins were close by. "Yes, Lance, fuck."

Lance almost felt pity for him. Keith's needy hips rolled into his unforgiving hand, his whines breathless, almost causing Lance's angry defence to crumble. But he had to know that this kind of thing couldn't be forgiven quickly. And he wasn't going to make Keith forget his little punishment, either.

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