Something new for the both of us(Smut)

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The team were crowded around the dinner table one night- although it was pretty hard to tell if it was night since they were in, well, space. But the timed rumble of their stomachs alterted them it was time to eat, calling Allura and Coran to join them. Keith took his usual spot besides Lance and Pidge, opposite Shiro, Hunk and Coran, Allura sitting delicately at the head of the table.

Conversation always occurred naturally, their clashing personalities never leaving a dull moment when they were all together. However everything fell silent when Hunk emerged from the kitchen with a steaming platter of... well they didn't know what it was but the master chef hadn't disappointed them so far, so they rubbed their hands together in anticipation for when the plates were finally in front of them.

Keith chuckled as Lance took in a spoonful, groaning obscenely around the utensil as the food melted in his mouth, "Hunk, you are truly a god." He mocked praying to the man opposite him on the table, who chuckled at Lance's bravado.

"You know, when we get back to Earth you're gonna have to learn to live without his cooking." Keith smirked, resisting his urge to moan akin to Lance as he took his first bite- nobody could deny it, Hunk was good at what he did. Imagining the past year without Hunk's food... Keith shuddered at the thought.

"Nu-uh, I'm gonna live in Hunk's basement, he can feed me through the floorboards so Shay won't notice."

Hunk blushed, "Who said Shay would be coming with us?"

The whole table unanimously groaned.

"Hunk you did, multiple times." Pidge told him, rolling her eyes.

"You know one day you're going to roll your eyes and they're just gonna keep rolling forever." Lance mocked her through his mouthful, catching the finger she gave him and blowing a kiss in return.

"Fuck off Lance."

Shiro slammed his spoon down, "Language, Katie." He scolded.

"Oh, right sorry," She coughed, "Please fuck off Lance."

Watching Shiro's face scrunch Allura decided on a topic change, turning to Hunk, "So Hunk, are you a chef back on earth?"

Hunk shrugged, ignoring Lance and pIdge as they batted their hands against one another like two toddlers in a fight, "Not really, I would just cook for Lance and Pidge."

His old roomates paused their squabbling and turned to him, open mouthed,"Not really? Hunk you were the chef god of the Garrison, the entire dorm would come for our leftovers after dinner." Lance enthused.

"What were you guys even like at the Garrison?" Keith piped up, "I didn't really get to talk to you much before- well before they kicked me out."

After pressing an offended hand to his heart Lance answered for the trio, "Pidge was a nerd, Hunk was a god, I was everyone's favourite." He summed it up, lifting three fingers as he listed.

Hunk snorted, "Right."

Lance glared at him.

"You're right about Pidge though, she was a total nerd, even in a school full of engineering geniuses, other than Lance obviously-" Hunk ducked out of the way of a flying bit of food goo, "-she was smarter than everyone. She might have made some friends if she'd actually talk to people."

The unsociable nerd in question glared at him, "I was undercover."

The team broke out into laughter, Pidge sinking back into her chair with a pout at the mockery.

"Pidge everyone knew you were a girl, bar idiot Lance." Hunk chuckled at Pidge and Lance, who wore matching pouts, "Some guys seriously tried catching you in the nude to prove it."

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