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Part 2 of 2

Keith loved to dance.

It was something he felt natural doing, an innate part of himself. Movement and action - that was how Keith communicated. He wasn't talkative, never striking a conversation, always distant and silent. Verbal interaction had never really been his forte. Keith was definitely more of an "action speaks louder than words" type of guy. The epitome of the "cool, silent type" who was really just someone who didn't know how to handle social situations without struggling one way or another.

And then there was Lance.

Lance had barged his way into his life, as superfluous and loud as Keith was silent. Lance had filled in the silence, always having something to say. Something dumb, something obnoxious, something stupid. Whatever he had to say, it was impossible to ignore him for some reason. He beamed with enthusiasm, radiating confidence and bravado, and his smile was blinding. Warm, sunny. It was hard not to get drawn in.

Always drawing attention to himself, Lance was a walking beacon. He shared everything with everybody, as if everything that pertained to his life needed to be announced to everyone else. His belongings and his experiences were never his alone. Lance was Keith's complete opposite - collaborating, sharing, talking, always engaging with other people. Maybe that was why he stuck out to Keith so much. Not only was he unbelievably hard to ignore, he was also everything that Keith was not. Talkative, approachable, outgoing.

It was hard to say whether Keith hated him or was intrigued by him. Whatever it was, Lance was putting feelings where there never used to be any. Evidently Keith became confused, conflicted. To him, his life had always been the same: work hard and go hard. Keith never contemplated over his decisions. They were always impulsive, instinctive. Keith never dwelled on his feelings. Keith was a straightforward guy. Everything made sense to him that way. He worked hard to achieve his goals, he went hard no matter what obstacles stood in his way. That was how the world worked for him.

But Lance - he was different.

Lance cared.

Because he cared so much, he thought things through, he considered other things, he let his feelings get in the way. The reason Lance's robotics project failed was probably because of that - he let himself get distracted, by other people, by his emotions, by his desire to please others. Instead of realizing that, Lance blamed Keith for his failure. And Keith honestly didn't understand how it could possibly be his fault that his own project was declared successful while Lance's was not. Keith had worked hard to make it that way. Unlike Lance, he didn't waste his time "treating himself" and taking "breaks" and going out with friends.

By some wild coincidence, Keith shared more than one class with this obnoxious guy. They had robotics together, aerospace engineering lab together, andaircraft design together. Three classes. Three classes where Keith's attention drifted away from the professor and lingered on the slender boy sitting a few rows to his left, drumming his fingers rhythmically on the table. Blue headphones perched around his neck or settled on his head, Lance never seemed to pay attention to the professor scribbling away on the whiteboard.

Well, neither was Keith, now that he thought about it.

Outside of class, Keith danced. He danced because it cleared his mind. Keith drowned in his dancing, letting the beat and his movements carry away his convoluted thoughts. Keith cared about the precision of his dances because it was in his nature, he had always been like that. Work hard, go hard. There was no point in doing anything without giving it the required effort. Simple as that.

Anytime classes bogged him down, Keith danced to sweat out his frustrations. Dance took it away. Every time Keith hit the beat, kicking and flicking, it felt right.

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