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Lance loved to dance.

He always had the groove. He could feel the music run through his body, making him move. And Lance danced all the time - in the shower, in bed, in the dining halls, dormitories, libraries, everywhere. Even during lecture, while the professor droned on and on about the history of the mechanics behind aerospace engineering, Lance drowned himself in the sound of his music jamming on his headphones. Hunk often flushed with embarrassment whenever Lance was struck with the need to dance, bobbing his head in time to the beat, tapping the desk with a pencil in each hand, mouthing the lyrics, making small movements and gestures in his seat that would slowly get bigger and wilder the longer the song went on.

He was always scolded for disrupting class.

Well, Lance couldn't help himself. His body was born to dance, wanting to get down to the beat and let the music flow through his body. When the time came for student organizations, sports teams, and extra-curriculars to recruit new members, Lance signed up for every dance group available, eagerly scribbling his name and email down in his illegible chicken scratch. Of course, given his rigorous course of study, he knew it would be impossible to dedicate all of his time and energy to every dance group, but he was determined.

The few dance groups Lance managed to fit into his schedule were enough to satisfy him. Latin ballroom dance, jazz, modern, and hip hop were the ones Lance found himself returning to every week after class. He loved going to dance practice, he loved working up a sweat, watching their reflections and seeing their progress and matching movements. Everyone was fun to be around, with the same passion and excitement for dance.

Of course, no dance group ever used an actual dance studio. Instead, they reserved empty classrooms during after hours, pushed desks to the corners of the room, and drew the blinds. The windows were their mirrors. Judging from videos of performances from previous years, dance was still amazing no matter where they practiced.

Excited about becoming a part of that performance for the first time, Lance poured his heart and soul into dance. He came in every week, to every dance rehearsal, pumped and enthusiastic and energetic. Lance was excited to be able to share this experience with so many others just like him, dancing and moving to the beat, letting the music carry away their troubles as they stepped and slid across the floor.

Lance loved to dance.

On the ground floor, huge windows lined across the building, standing tall and wide. At night, when the light illuminated the people inside, these windows became mirrors. The perfect mirrors for dance practice. But these high-quality makeshift mirrors were reserved for the dance teams that took dance seriously. Lance admired these people, how much commitment and talent they had for dance, their every movement as flawless and confident as a professional.

Lance himself was pretty awesome at dancing, but for some reason, these ground floor dancers were on a whole other level, carrying a sense of superiority and confidence about them. They were faster and cleaner, smoother, it could easily draw the eyes of anyone who passed.

One of his favorites was the hip hop group that always dominated the floor on Thursday nights. Since they were ground floor material, their heavy beats blasted through the halls, bringing the attention of everyone in the building. Lance loved to watch them, admiring their cool choreography and hip dance members, marveling at their synchronicity and sleek movements. They were so cool.

Never mind the fact that Keith was one of the dance members.

Keith was Lance's arch nemesis. Ever since his robotics project lost to Keith's bizarre contraption, Lance always held a grudge against him. Ever since that humiliating loss, Lance was hyper aware of everything that Keith did better than him. He pushed an obnoxious rivalry between them, always butting heads, always challenging him.

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