Love like you(Trash)

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A/N: So let's pretend Adam and Allura didn't die okay? Okay.

"The garrison is holding a gala in honor of us and would like each of us to go on stage perform." Shiro finishes while looking through his files.

"Perform? Like a talent show?" Pidge says pushing up her glasses.

"Well...yes. But it's to help the cadets get to know us a little bit more. It can be anything- that's appropriate Lance." Shiro says as he eyes Lance.

"What does that mean! I have no Idea what you're referring to!" the paladin says with a huff.

"Uhm buddy, you literally did silks last time we did things like this." Hunk says with a awkward chuckle.

Suddenly Keith goes to grab his phone and connects to the screen in Shiro's office and plays a video, it's a video of Lance doing the silks at the voltron show.

"Yeah see, I have proof." Keith says with a shit-eating grin.

The Cubans jaw drops and it struggles to find anything to say. But then Pidge gets a smug look on her face and turns and starts walking towards Keith.

"So, that video. Do you just have it saved to your phone?"

Then the koreans face freezes and he tries to open his mouth to say something but can't find the words.

Then Lance starts laughing and looks to Keith but quickly shuts up after seeing him look like at the verge of tears with a red face.

Lip quivering and biting his lip as to not say anything that would hurt Pidge, or anyone, he quickly walks out of the room with his head down. Leaving his phone.

"Keith wait- and he's gone, again. Nice going Pidge" Lance groans and glares at Pidge while grabbing Keith's phone and running after him.

Hunk just awkwardly stood there and looked to Shiro and Pidge had a small frown but looked annoyed. With a loud sigh while pinching the bridge if his nose Shiro opened his mouth and turned to Pidge.

"Now Katie that wasn't very nice, we should respect Keith's privacy. No matter how much a disaster gay he is. Go apologize by the end of the day."

"But Shiro-"

"No. What did I say, do you want me to call Adam?" He said hesitantly knowing how Adam got when someone hurt Keith, no matter if they were his adopted space kids too.

"I will fight anyone for Keith no matter who they are, they don't know what he went through. They didn't have to hear him ask where his mom was and how he asked for her every year for Christmas, how hurt he looked when she wasn't there. So I will do my best to keep him safe and happy, that goes for you too Takashi. Besides, he's my first child so of course I'm gonna be protective of him!"

Shiro smiled softly remembering how his own husband threatened him over Keith. He looked over at Pidge waiting for her answer.

"No! Fine, just don't tell Adam. He's scary when he's mad. Even more scary than Allura." She said with a shiver.

"It's kinda funny how Keith could go to Adam and say one of us did something and he would come to kill us without question or hesitation." Hunk said with a small laughs then quickly stopped.

"Oh god. Keith could kill us and he wouldn't even have to do anything."

"Calm down Hunk, Keith is too stubborn to go to Adam for EVERYTHING he only goes to him if it hurts him really bad or he doesn't know what to do. If not he'll try to do everything on his own. Anyways, you're dismissed." Shiro finished and turned back to his paperwork.

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