Touch me there(Smut)

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Since they’d begun dating, Lance had been careful to tread lightly in their relationship. Keith had lived alone for most of his life, isolated from the rest of humanity with only his own company. So it came as no surprise to Lance when he found out Keith was adamantly, insanely, uncontrollably touch-starved.

Before they were even going out Lance recognized the tells- the way Keith dodged any skin to skin contact, distancing himself from crowds or groups to avoid any accidental brushing of shoulders or fingers. Lance had been testing him for weeks before Keith finally snapped, pressing their arms together as often as he could when they sat besides each other for dinner, or leaning as close as he could when they talked so his breath dusted over his cheeks, painting them pink.

It was one fateful day when Lance finally pushed Keith to his limit. They'd been on a joint-recon mission, hiding together in a cramped maintenance closet when a sudden jolt of the ship sent Lance flying forwards so he was smothering Keith against the wall. The noise Keith had made had been ungodly, and he'd practically jumped Lance right then and there.

The team had known the second they returned there'd been a development in their relationship- if their joined hands hadn't given it away, Keith's scarlet face would have plenty.

Keith had been, unsurprisingly, a virgin, when he and Lance first made love. It had been... an experience, to say the least, one ending with them both satisfied and heedless of the consequences. Lance had been gentle, as his mother had always made him promise to be, as Keith came time and time again, nearly every time Lance edged another inch inside of him. Months later, Keith was still unable to fully take all of Lance without excessive preparation.

Keith adored Lance's touch, but he had zero control over himself. He could come with a few single touches to his dick, though over the past few months he'd become better at reeling himself in, growing more and more accustomed to skin to skin contact. And Lance had to admit, fucking Keith, watching him cum all over himself over and over, sometimes four times before Lance could even come once, was spectacular. But he hated seeing how boneless and tired Keith was afterwards, unable to move for at least an hour while Lance took care of him.

Which was why on their most recent trip to the space mall, Lance decided to buy something new.

He didn't enter the sex shop with much in mind- it was no secret he loved to tease Keith, to make him cum as much as he could before finally granting himself some pleasure of his own. He was a giving lover, after all.

"How can I help you?" The pink haired assistant asked him over the counter, leering towards him with a smirk.

"Oh- I'm not looking for anything in particular..." He trailed off as she crooked her finger in a beckoning motion, tempting him towards the counter.

"In that case, I have the perfect thing for you." She reached beneath the counter, pulling out a heavy looking box, grey in colour and adorned with blue gemstones, with ancient looking swirling patterns decorating it. He crouched forwards, examining it curiously. It didn't look inherently sexual, but with all the weird alien mumbo-jumbo he'd seen since arriving in space nothing could surprise him anymore.

"What is it?" He cocked his brow.

"Pandora's Box." The clerk dusted the top off with her palm, "It can create whatever your mind desires."

Lance's eyes flashed with inquisitiveness, and he picked it up slowly, finding it unexpectedly light despite the possibilities it contained. An idea surged in his head as he inspected the box, mouth twitching as he placed it back on the counter, glancing up at the clerk, who inspected her nails inattentively.

"How much?"

She shrugged, "100 gak should do."

Lance glanced around, sighing before fishing through his pocket for some change. He passed the money over to the clerk, who tossed him the box haphazardly.

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