Doki Doki Romanticon(Smut)

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Lance had not known he was going to so thoroughly appreciate their first time together. First times were generally bad sex for everyone, and even two people who know exactly what they’re doing need to learn each other’s bodies before it really got good, you know? Lance did know, because contrary to what everyone believes, he did in fact have experience. Not in an attempt to brag but kind of a lot of experience, because he was open to new ideas and got invited to parties a lot which are in fact the only two things you really need to get a lot of tail, regardless of whether or not he was actually charming.

Which, for the record, he must be pretty fucking charming after all, because if he wasn’t then he sees no possible other way he could have wound up naked in a bed with Keith Kogane.

Seriously, like, he had only been half-certain Keith even liked him at all, so ridiculous and complicated their courtship had been. In fact this seemed like they were kind of rushing things to be honest, what with the revelation that they were kind of in love with each other a little bit having taken place only a few hours ago and they’d been in their Lions for most of the intervening time since. But at the same time, he had been half in love with this ratty jawa for months on end now and it’s not like anyone could claim they didn’t know each other. Space wars bond people pretty quickly.

Or at least, he had thought they knew everything they needed to know about each other, but apparently knowing nothing about each other’s past dating history was not a detail they should have overlooked until they were already in bed and fired up.

Keith had seemed like his normal do-or-die self when they started, all the way through the two of them desperately pawing at each other all hard in their underwear. It was just once the last of their clothes were off that Lance noticed him acting different, his unreserved actions from a few minutes earlier now muted and weighed down with shyness, until Lance put a hand on the outside of Keith’s thigh to realize he wasshaking.

Hoping it was just leftover adrenaline from the battle, Lance had tentatively asked, “You okay, babe?”

Keith somehow flushed even redder, whole body alight with a hot blush. “I’m fine!” He insisted hastily, only barely avoiding stuttering over the words. Apparently noticing how unconvincing he was being, Keith averted his eyes to continue, “I- I mean, I’m just a little nervous that’s all. Since it’s… my first time and everything.”

Lance halted, freezing above Keith on the bed. “Your what now?”

Keith blinked, looking back at Lance with surprise. “W-wait, so you’ve done this before?”

“You haven’t?!” Lance asked back stupidly.

Keith, shrinking into his sheets, countered the obvious question with something that actually was relevant. “With a guy?!”

“Um,” Lance felt himself shrinking as well as he admitted, “well… yes?”

If Keith had looked nervous before now he looked halfway to terrified. “I… didn’t know that. That’s uh… it just means one of us actually knows what we’re doing, right?”

Yeah, that didn’t sound like it was what he wanted to say about that. Sitting up off of Keith, Lance frowned, “Maybe for today we should just… cool off a little? We don’t need to do everything all at once…”

All of Keith’s hesitance was instantly replaced with determination as he launched himself into sitting. “No! This doesn’t change anything, I wanted to do this five minutes ago and I still wanna do this now!”

“Yeah, but if you’ve never done it before, maybe we should ease into it a little, is all I’m saying?”

Keith looked like Lance had challenged him to a fight, eyes narrowed and brows drawn. “No way, if you’re not a virgin then I don’t wanna be one, either! We’re not just doing this, we’re doing all of this, right now.”

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