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"We were like rivals, you know—Lance and Keith, neck in neck!"

Maybe deep down, a part of him always knew he was repressing certain...feelings...for his hot-headed, introverted classmate. After all, watching someone effortlessly pilot through the Garrison's latest obstacle course without breaking a sweat and setting an unbeatable time record was certainly enough to catch Lance's interest. From there, all that had been needed was a proper look at the dude's face for Lance's world to turn upside down. After all, sexual attraction wasn't logical. It could develop in the blink of an eye, as it had for Lance.

Every interaction between them and every cold shoulder Keith gave only seemed to add more fuel to his flame, as irrational as that sounded. Maybe it really was like they said; 'rivalry' was just another word for 'sexual tension'. After all, that was the only explanation for their current predicament.

It had started out as a challenge over which one of them spent more time on the training deck, and as usual, Keith just waved him off; sometimes, Lance wondered if Keith knew that that just heated his blood even more.

Throughout their entire time at the Garrison, ignoring him was the one thing Keith always did, so Lance couldn't blame himself for being tired of it. One thing lead to the next, and before he knew it, they were tussling on the floor of the training deck, teeth and claws barred in feral aggression as they rolled and alternated pinning each other down, both of them fighting for control.

Lance wasn't sure what it was; maybe his body got tired of Keith's nails digging into him or maybe Keith really did train more, but he ended up with his back flat on the ground, unable to move as the shorter boy glared down at him from above. They were both gasping and panting for air as Lance struggled to push Keith off while Keith struggled to contain Lance's body beneath him, which brought them to their most recent fight.

"...get...off!" Lance spat, eyes narrowed.

Keith met his gaze with a sneer, emphasizing his control by pinning Lance down harder. "You're the one who started this, or do you not remember?!" He growled, sweat dripping off his chin and onto Lance beneath him.

Lance was about 98% sure that he should've been repulsed by having Keith's sweat drip onto him, but instead, he just became suddenly hyper aware of Keith's sweaty body pressing against him, the combined heat of their rage and exhaustion building up between both of them and driving their temperatures to unbearable heights; but still, Keith refused to let Lance up.

"Shut up! I said get off!" Lance growled back, making one last attempt to push Keith off of him to no avail.

"You're the one who picked a fight you couldn't win!"

"Fuck you! I can beat you in anything!"

Keith's grip tightened around his wrists. "I'm sick of this, just admit you lose and I'll let you up!"

Lance winced, briefly glancing at his pinned hands before staring daggers through Keith's face. "I don't fucking lose!"

"Your unmoving body says otherwise."

"Fuck you, kiss me and then we'll see!"

He'd originally said it just to emphasize that he could out lover-boy Keith any day and that he was totally capable of beating Keith in something...he didn't expect Keith to take it so literally. Nor did he expect Keith to act on his interpretation.

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