Costume Kink(Smut)

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Keith had been embarrassed many times in his life. One time, he had fallen asleep in his class at the garrison and apparently made some very…humiliating…noises. Just recently, he had been rambling on to Shiro about everything Lance did that drove him crazy, and had accidentally blurted out that he had the biggest crush on him. God, that had been mortifying as fuck. But right now? Right now, Keith was the most embarrassed he had ever been in his life.

"Come on, just do it. Just mewl for me - it'll be so cute," Lance encouraged, leaning forward on the bed and cupping Keith's chin with a smirk.

Keith wanted to recoil and hide in embarrassment, his face redder than his lion. "L-Lance…I'm already wearing these things…why do I need to do more?" He gestured at his cat ear headband and the cat tail he had strapped around his waist, shuffling anxiously on his knees and hugging his naked body self-consciously.

Lance's hand moved up to cup his cheek and scratch the side of his head a little, and he instinctively leaned into it with a very powerful urge to do what Lance was telling him to do. "Come on, kitten. Do it - oh wow, that's so cute…" He trailed off as Keith purred into the head scratches, eyes shut in bliss as his heart thumped against his chest. He hoped this was good enough to satisfy his kinky ass lover, purring louder when Lance's scratches got harder. It felt so good.

"Babe, kitten, you're so cute. Come on, just one mewl," Lance urged, scooting forward a bit to observe Keith's heavily blushing face more.

Keith's lip trembled from how embarrassed he was, slowly shaking his head in defiance. That was too much. Going that far…no way could Keith do it. He would die from embarrassment.

"Come on, kitten. If you do it, I'll get straight to fucking you." Keith's face just reddened even more at that as Lance winked at him, striking multiple arrows through his heart. This boy was going to be the death of Keith. Still, as much as his body was longing for Lance, he was too embarrassed right now to be swayed that easily by lust alone.

Lance frowned upon seeing that his temptation didn't work, moving his hand down to scratch Keith's chin. The costumed boy made more purring sounds, waggling his hips a bit as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the scratches. He wasn't even purring on purpose - it was just coming out.

"Keith…" He opened his eyes to meet Lance's adoring blue ones. "Do it…for me?"

Keith was so fucked. Just like that, it was over, and he knew it. Lance knew it. His kitty ears knew it. Everyone knew it. Lust couldn't make him do things, but he was so weak for loverboy Lance it was almost sad. He was ready to cry in embarrassment, but his heart won out, and he slowly looked away from Lance.

And then, he made a soft, high-pitched mewling sound that broke both of them at the same time, for very different reasons.

Lance's scratching stopped momentarily as Keith finally moved his hands up to his face to hide himself, finally creating the number one most embarrassing moment of his entire life. He wanted to just crawl under a blanket and hide for the rest of his life, it was so mortifying, it was so-


Keith slowly parted his fingers to glance at Lance, face reddening when he saw how red Lance's face was. They were both just two red, blushing messes as they eyed each other, the temperature of the room rising exponentially. Keith's heart was pounding so loudly he was sure they could both hear it as he waited for Lance to make a move.

"…you're so cute, Keith." Lance moved in quickly and captured Keith's lips in his own, making Keith gasp in surprise. He shut his eyes, heart melting even more as Lance wrapped an arm around him and scratched the back of his head and his fake ears. The kiss was passionate yet innocent at the same time - just the two of them expressing their love for each other.

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