The cat with the cream(Smut)

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“Laaaannnce,” Keith whined, nuzzling into Lance’s neck where they sat together on the couch. “I’m bored. This movie is boring.”

Cute. Cute cute cuuuute, Keith was just the cutiest fucking boyfriend in the whole universe. Especially when he was like this, with his lavender-tinted skin and pointed butterfly ears he displayed when all Galra’d out, a sight that should have been scary but just couldn’t be when Keith had eyes that huge and lips that pouty. Lance was so goddamned lucky.

“Mm, yeah?” He asked, stroking Keith’s hair. “What’dyou wanna do instead?”

Keith hummed like he was thinking about it, but it turned into a little sigh as he squirmed out from under Lance’s arm. “Make out,” he decided, swinging one leg over Lance’s to climb into his lap.

Lance laughed, sliding his hand around to rest on Keith’s lower back, drawing their bodies close to better balance Keith’s weight on his thighs. Keith’s arms went to loop around Lance’s neck, nice and tight to press their bodies flush while he dragged Lance into a kiss.

It was sweet at first, a simple little press of lips on lips as they got comfortable. Lance’s other hand wound into Keith’s hair, soft as always and perfect for grabbing the back of his neck to steer Keith’s head into a better angle. The kiss broke off and resumed, turned into a series of eager little presses that Keith whined into hungrily, opening his lips to try and deepen it instead of letting Lance take things slow.

He sucked Lance’s lower lip into his mouth, which was fantastic for the first few seconds. But for the fact that as much experience as they had in making out with each other they did not have it while Keith was all Galra’d out like this, and the resulting sharp nip of teeth was distinctly more painful than sexy.

“Ow!” Lance yelped, jerking his head backwards to bounce off the back of the couch. “Teeth, teeth , you gotta watch with the fangs, dude!”

Keith pouted, pulling back far enough to poke one sharp canine with his index finger. Lance had to smile, watching as Keith innocently prodded at his own pointed fang with his tongue next, inquisitive look on his face as if trying to determine exactly how sharp the tiny little vampire fangs were and how much it would impede their kissing.

“Just be careful,” Lance smiled, voice gentle as he pulled Keith back in. A nice long kiss to get Keith to melt back into his arms again, before Lance whispered, “There’s no hurry,” into Keith’s lips to coax him into not trying to eat his face.

Keith huffed out of his nose, impatient but compliant as Lance gently sucked Keith’s lower lip into his mouth.

Keith finally relaxed after that, meeting Lance’s pace to the result of only a few small nips that weren’t hard enough to break the mood. In fact they kind of excited Lance ever more, a reminder of his boyfriend’s inhumanity and the contained strength therein. Leader of Voltron and future of the Galra, all soft and moaning into Lance’s arms as he sucked on his tongue. A gentle little monster, a fierce beast longing for love. God, Lance adored him so.

The hand Lance had on Keith’s lower back curled into the fabric of his shirt to pull it up, slipping warm fingers underneath to touch bare skin. He ran his fingertips up and down the curve of Keith’s spine, touch feather-light to better feel the shivers left in his wake. He could also feel Keith’s heartbeat as it sped up, pressed chest to chest as they were, could feel the vibrations of Keith’s little aborted moan into his mouth.

And when he slid that hand down far enough to slip under the waistband of Keith’s pants to palm his bare ass Lance could feel Keith’s breath stutter in a gasp, deliciously cute and a perfect opportunity to nip a little bit of his own into Keith’s tongue. Keith let out a little whine, clawed fingers tugging on Lance’s hair hard enough to hurt in just the right way.

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