coffee and confessions

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She huffs out, seeing a small cloud leaving her lips as she walks through the busy streets of New York. This was all so stupid, she had to get away from him. He was suffocating her with all of his annoying quips and comments. There were only so much she could hear before she lost her mind. So, she runs away from him, seeking shelter in that cafe down the street. (y/n) adores the cafe, how it was decorated to feel homey. Tassels and lights hang from the ceiling and assortment of pillows that add a whimsical touch. He hates it though, he thought it was overwhelming.

(y/n) grabs her coffee, sitting down at her usual booth. This was her soulmate, they had one another’s intials scrawled on their bodies. They were going to work it out, they always do. But lately the disagreements have been more frequent and more stupid. This time they were yelling at one another about how he hated the new yellow lamp she bought for their small apartment. She loved it though, it added a pop of color. They screamed their heads off, her blood boiled at his audacity to call it junk. It was a lamp, why couldn’t they just agree? She was so close to throwing that lamp through the window, instead she grabs her coat.

The bells that hang above the door chimes, announcing the arrival of a new costumer. (y/n) couldn’t resist the urge to see who walked into her beloved cafe. Her eyes land on a guy with short, almost curly hair. He was wearing a basic flannel paired with some jeans. To her luck, he catches her eye and offers a smile to her. (y/n) forces herself to return it, she would hate herself if she didn’t do it. They held eye contact for a bit too long, but she didn’t mind. It was almost comforting to know that she had his attention to make up for the lack of attention her soulmate gave her. He only pulls away from her when the bell rings again and he walks to the counter to prevent clogging up the entry way.

(y/n) peels her eyes off the stranger, forcing herself to think about her growing problem. She couldn’t tell what was wrong with her, it was her soulmate for crying out loud. Preston and her were doing amazing for the longest time. But something happened between them and she couldn’t put her finger on it. She would ask for help, but doubting your soulmate was frowned upon. Her parents were so thrilled for her to find him and her friends talked about how lucky she was. She used to feel the same way, but the second thoughts start to creep up on her.

She was staring  at the distance when someone slides into the seat in front of her.  It was the same guy that walked in moments ago, but this time he was holding coffee and a goofy smile. “Hey! I, uh, couldn’t help but notice that you seem lonely.”

(y/n) lets out a strangled laugh, “Yeah, I kind of was.”

“What’s up?” he asks. He stared at her, studying her face. She was obviously bothered, bags under her eyes and her forehead scrunching in deep thought. This was new to him, he never goes out of his way to talk to strangers, but she was calling him.

(y/n) could have lied and taken the easy way out.  She could say that everything was going okay and act like her and her soulmate weren’t falling apart. She could do what she did whenever someone asked about Preston, saying that she’s the happiest with him and gush about him like she was supposed too. But staring at the new man in front of her, she saw an oppurtunity. (y/n) will never see him again it was so unlikely to bump into him again on the streets of New York. She could seize this moment to let everything out, he won’t ever know who she was. (y/n) stares down at the coffee, mindlessly stirring it. She takes a deep breath, “I think I messed up.”

He cocks his head at her, getting curious about this new girl. Something about her drew him in, like he had to say something to her or else he was going to explode. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

Her gaze leaves the coffee to meet his. He was denfinelty attractive, but that didn’t matter. His eyes told her that she could trust him or maybe she was just desperate to get this weight off her chest. “My soulmate,” she whispers.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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