Bruises and Icepacks

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The first time you met your dad’s protege Peter was outside the Avengers tower, you had thought it was someone reaching for your purse and turning around as fast as you could you landed a jab right on his nose, he fell right on his ass as he was covering the bottom half of his face. Before anything that had just happened sinked in, your dad ran out having just seen the scene on the security cameras and even if he did hint a smirk while he was watching he was running outside all the same yelling that it was Spider Man you had just hit. Your face went pale and you started spouting out apologies while kneeling down, that was when you noticed the blood that was dripping down Peter’s chin, and looking down at the faint red and tingling in your hand you regret what had just happened. Instantly you tried to see the damage you had done, he tried to keep covering his face saying that he was “fine” but in the end gave up to your dad trying to see the damage as well. You saw the blood smeared over his mouth and hands, and even though you were freaking out internally you saw him give a small shrug and stand with your dad’s help, you stood too and as you were passing him to get to the door he gave you a small smile.

Afterwards when you were both in the kitchen helping him clean up his face and hands, your dad going to his room seeing if he had an extra shirt to replace the one you had just ruined. Peter was standing, leaning on the counter while you were damping a cloth in the sink so you could help him clean up, you couldn't meet his eyes feeling guilty of what had just happened twenty minutes ago. The silence in the room was intense, the only noise came from the water running. He broke the silence though, “My nose is just really sensitive I guess,” he chuckled and after hearing that you smiled and finally looked at him while pulling a strand of your hair behind your ear, he saw your bruised knuckles then and without thinking he grabbed the ice pack that was supposed to be for him, grabbed your hand and cradled it close to his chest while he applied the ice to your brusied hand. Staring at your hand in his, you looked up and saw the yellowish, green bruising starting to appear on the bridge of his nose, you looked in his eyes then and whether there was something there or not, you both swore that there was a light in each others eyes. “Does it hurt?” You finally mumbled.

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