How Could You Leave Us

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MAYBE IT WAS a good plan, maybe it was the stupidest plan ever made but if it was supposed to save the universe, you were all for it. Hesitant faces were etched on each one of the team member's faces.

"Can she handle that much power?" Tony questioned in concern. "She's just a kid."

"No she cannot," Peter Quill confirmed. "I don't think we should do this."

You fidgeted with your fingers as you heard the plan being discussed with the adults. Peter stood beside you with a concerned expression. "You can't do this..." He whispered to you.

"I have to at least try..." You whispered back. "If I die trying to save the universe, then I died a heroic way."

Peter gave you a frown, he cared for you. If anything happens, he'd blame himself.

"[Y/N]..." Peter begged.

"Peter, please promise me one thing." You started. You gazed over to the group of adults, half of them staring at you while the other half spoke with a serious face.

Peter stared at you hesitantly, "What is it?"

"Peter. Promise me you'll move on. If this doesn't go as planned- if I die. Don't blame yourself. It was my choice. Please tell my family everything too. Tell them that I love them and it's not their fault." You whispered to him.

Peter felt tears burn through his eyes. The thought of loosing you broke his heart. He shook his head. "I-I can't."

"Peter please." You cried.

He sighed and thought for a moment. He looked back up, sighed, and nodded. He hated the fact that you wouldn't consider another plan. He hated that he was forced to keep a promise he most likely couldn't keep.

"I love you." He whispered.

Your heart skipped a beat. This was the first time he said those words to you. You smiled through your tears. "I love you so much more."

You both smiled at each other before he kissed you. You sighed into the kiss and returned it. Before you both finished, you heard a cough. You both pulled away and blushed. Bucky stood there with a half smile as the rest of the team walked towards you all.

"The plan is a go." Tony announced. Half of the team gave a pained look. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

You looked at Peter, he gave you a pained smile. You looked back at Tony and nodded.

"If it's a chance to save the universe, we have to take it." You agreed.

"But how will you handle the stone's power once it's exposed?" Peter Quill asked as the Guardians stood there, they knew the magnitude of the situation. They knew the moment you come in contact with the stone you will die within a few moments, along with the stone.

"We'll just have to see." You declared. The team stared at each other and nodded before getting into their places.

So now there you all were, fighting Thanos. The power stone managed to get free from the gauntlet.

Just as the stone fell, everything went in slow motion. You felt Thor throw you to grab the stone to prevent it from falling on the ground and killing everyone.

The moment your hand touched the stone, the power started to burn your body. Your scream overpowered the area as the stone's power was trying to escape into a host. You arched your back as you clenched the stone harder, determined to not let Thanos get the stone. A black storm quickly formed around you and spiraled into the air.

The Guardians stared in horror, they knew the pain you were going through and tried to reach you but they were held back. Thanos tried to reach you but the team tried to stop him.

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