Peter and Pitbulls

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“Yeah, Mom- Peter might come over, so I’ll be fine. I’ll see you when you get home. Be safe, yeah? Okay, love you.” You ended the call as you came up to the entrance to your apartment building. Looking up from your phone, you waved at the door man with a smile before bringing your phone back to your ear, having found Peter’s number in your recents.

It took a couple of rings before you heard your boyfriend’s voice, breathing heavily like he’s been running. “Oh- Hey, (Y/N/N).”

“Are you panting because you’re chasing a criminal or because something less life threatening?” Your tone is joking but he knows you’re serious.

He snorts before bursting into laughter; you can’t help the smile that comes to your face. “I’m safe, I swear. How was work?” He continues laughing, quietly telling someone to be quiet in the background.

Walking into the elevator, you press the button for the seventh floor and watch the doors close. “Work was fine. So, Mom’s flight was delayed and it doesn’t look like she is gonna be back for another day or two. Do you wanna come over and we could get some work out of the way and watch a movie or whatever?”

He clears his throat loudly, attempting to cover another laugh, “Yeah, sure. I can head over in a little bit-” There’s a quiet bark in the background that Peter quickly tries to shush.

“Peter?” The elevator doors slide open and you making your way down the hall, tugging your keys out of your pocket as you walk.


“Where are you?”

He hesitates, “The park?”

You chuckle, shaking your head, “Sure, Parker.” Unlocking your door, you pull your keys from the lock, closing the door behind you. “I’ll see you in a bit, yeah?”

“Uh huh, bye!”

“By- Peter?” You look at your phone and let out an exasperated gasp, seeing that he had already hung up. Tucking your phone into your back pocket, you drop your bag on the kitchen counter. A crash from the back of the apartment stops you before you can even open the fridge. Cautiously, you look around the corner, confused as to why your bedroom light is on until you hear a whimper followed by a shush.

“Oh, Parker. I’m going to kick your ass.” You mumble under your breath. You make your way down the hall as quietly as possible, any sound getting covered up by the barks coming from inside your room. Peaking around the edge of your door, you see Peter laying on the ground with two pitbull puppies climbing on him.

“Are you insane?”

Peter’s head snaps up, his eyes wide. “Surprise?”

You move around the puppies, who are now dancing at your feet, and pull Peter up off the floor. “Do you want to explain how you got two puppies into my apartment without being caught?”

“I mean, I am Spider-Man.” He grins at you.

You shake your head in disbelief, retort ready on your lips but your attention gets pulled to the puppy sitting at your feet, pawing at your shoe laces. Crouching, you scratch behind the puppy’s ear. Peter plops on the floor next to you, pulling the other puppy into his lap.

“See? You can’t even be mad about it; they already love you.”

“Where did you even find them?”

“They were playing in one of the alleys I was looking for my backpack in and I couldn’t just leave them. I mean, look at their little faces.” He holds the puppy in his lap up to you.

“So, you brought them here?” Lowering yourself to sit on the ground, the puppy crawls closer to you, chewing on your finger.

“Well, I knew May would say no.” Peter trails off suggestively, looking at his puppy rather than you.

You look up from your puppy with a look of disbelief, similar to earlier, “You can’t be serious. Peter, I live in an apartment seven stories high! We can’t keep them.” Your puppy lets out a small whine and you look down at her sadly.

“Yeah, I know.” Peter mumbles quietly, “I just thought- We both have wanted dogs for so long that I thought maybe- You know?”

“I know.” You both sit in silence, playing with the young pitbulls in your laps. Looking at Peter, you couldn’t ignore how sad he was about not getting to keep the dogs. “Hey. What if we had Stark keep them?”

Peter shakes his head, “He would never do it; he doesn’t have time for that.”

“Peter, Mr. Stark loves you like you’re his own son. I’m pretty sure he would do anything for you.” You can see Peter thinking about it. “Look- tomorrow, I will call Tony and talk to him about it. In the meantime, you need to text May and tell her you’re staying here tonight.”

Peter finally looks at you again, “Why?”

The grin that takes over Peter’s face makes you want to live in the moment forever. You would give anything to keep your spider boy happy.

“Alright, I’m going to find some old newspaper so they don’t make a mess. I’ll be right back.” Placing your puppy in his lap, you lean over and kiss his cheek. “We’ll figure it out, I promise.”

You can’t help but smile when you hear Peter ask the puppies what their names should be as you leave the room.

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