Cast Lists and Cake Videos

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May looked up from the couch, hearing the jingle of keys on the other side of the door. She smiled at you as you walked in and shut the door, “Hey, sweetie!” You gave her a weak smile, looking exhausted.

“Hey, May! Is Peter here yet?” Dropping your keys on the table, you wander further into the apartment and look around for any sign of your boyfriend.

Shaking her head, May replies, “No, you beat him here today. Is everything okay?” It wasn’t uncommon for you to come to their place after school, finding it the best time to catch up with Peter since you went to different schools, but she had noticed your dejected spirit.

Leaning against the wall, you shrug, “Long day. Really long day.”

“Oh, I’m sorry hon. Peter should be home soon if you want to go lay down for a little while.”

You stared into space, saying nothing for a couple seconds before nodding, “Thanks, May.” She watched you retreat to Peter’s room.

Once inside, you dropped your bag on the floor next to the bed and flopped onto the comforter, rolling to your side and pulling pillow tightly against you. You pulled your phone from your back pocket and starting scrolling through YouTube, looking for something to distract yourself. Eventually, you fall into an endless playlist of cake decorating videos, content with watching the intricate work.

At some point you hear footsteps in the hall and turn to look towards the door, hoping Peter had gotten home, but only saw May heading to the kitchen. You rolled back to your original position and turn the volume of the video up a little louder.

Fifteen minutes later, you didn’t hear the front door open or the quiet conversation between Peter and May, too focused on how the baker managed to create such a complicated design.

May looked to the door as Peter came in, locking the handle behind him. He gave her a little wave, coming over to question her worried expression.

“Everything okay?”

“I think so, but your girl is laying in your room, watching cake videos.”

Peter’s expression shifted, “Oh, did she say what was wrong?”

She shook her head, “All she said was it’s been a long day. Go check on her, dinner will be here soon.”

Peter just nodded and headed back to his room, smiling as he saw your frame curled up on his bed. Placing his bag next to yours, he dropped onto the bed behind you, resting his arm around your waist. Normally you would turn and give him a kiss, but you stayed focused on the video, only acknowledging his presence by cuddling closer to him.

“Hey!” Peter said enthusiastically, hoping to lift your mood.

“Hey.” You replied quietly, lifting your phone to show him the video, “Look, they made the cake look like it has a geode in it.”

Admittedly, the cake looked really cool but that’s not what Peter was focused on at the moment. “What’s wrong?”

“Why would something be wrong?”

Peter grabbed your phone, hitting the sleep button. “Something is wrong because you only watch cake videos when you’re upset.”

You rolled in his arms to face him and after a few seconds, mumble into his chest, “The cast list was posted today.”

You go the arts school near by and had made it very clear to Peter that the musical this year wasn’t one you liked very much, not matching your type cast at all. Feeling like you didn’t have a place in the show, you weren't planning on auditioning but remembered that the experience is important for after you graduate. Not having much of an interest in a big part, you were rooting for specific people to get specific parts. When the cast list was posted at the end of the day today you were certainly surprised to see who your director had casted.

Grabbing your phone back, you pulled up the picture of the cast list and read it to Peter. Even he seemed surprised by the choices.

“And I know it’s stupid to be irritated about this, but Jack deserved that lead!” You groaned in frustration and tossed your phone to the end of the bed, “I know the production is still gonna be great, but it’s just not how it was supposed to be!”

“It’s not stupid to be upset about it, you’re allowed to have an opinion. And hey, you always have fun in the end and I get to see my girl up on stage doing what she loves.”

You sigh and let your head fall against his chest again, “Thanks. You know? Sometimes it really sucks going to different schools.”

“I know,” He ran his hand through your hair before lifting your face to look at him, “Hey.”

You give him a little smile, “Hi.”

“I didn’t get to give you a ‘hello kiss’ yet.” Your smile gets bigger and he leans down, brushing his lips against yours before you place your hand behind his neck pulling him closer. You feel him smile into your kiss before pulling away.

“Happy?” You smirk at him, teasing.

“Yes, in fact, I am. I am very happy.” His places a kiss on your forehead, “It’ll be okay.”

You lay back against him, listening to his heartbeat, forgetting the problems of the day for just a moment.

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