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Peter Parker was not afraid of his feelings.

“Will you tell me again why you won’t just ask her out?” Ned asked his friend, who was too busy staring you across the cafeteria in the lunch line to hear him.  “Hello? Earth to Peter?” Ned snapped his fingers a few times, but the Spiderman was far too entranced watching you pick out the right apple.  “Why do I even bother coming to lunch” He mumbled to himself.

“Isn’t she just the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen?” Peter mumbled, resting his head in his hand as he watched you pay for your food.  Ned rolled his eyes.

“Yeah.  Stunning” He grumbled, deciding to do his Spanish homework instead.  There was nothing wrong with Peter having the biggest on you.  

In fact, Ned knew his intentions were as pure as could be, and that his feelings were very much returned.  But once Peter got going with you, it never really stopped.  
Once he started staring, it’d be hard to drag his eyes anywhere else.  Or if he was talking about you, he could be rambling for hours. And Ned knew that there were no two people better for each other in the whole universe.  Peter Parker, the Spiderman.  You, Stark’s adopted daughter and prodige engineer.  Both intelligent without being arrogant in any way.  Both being the sweetest of the sweet, and both just wanting the world to be a safe and peaceful place.

“Hey Penis”

Peter jolted upright in his seat, eyes tearing away from your form to see Flash standing across his table, snapping his fingers in front of his face.

“What do you want Flash” Peter sighed, already tired of seeing him.

“Where’s Stark’s girl?” He asked, looking around the table only Ned and Peter sat at. Except for Michelle, who was on the opposite side of the table completely.  She didn’t really like talking with everyone in lunch, instead preferring to spend the time drawing.

“Not here.  Do your eyes work?” Peter said, causing Flash to narrow his gaze on the boy.

“Watch it Parker, I didn’t come here to remind you of your eternal virgin-ness.  I just came here to invite her to my party tonight”

“Invite who?” you asked as you had walked up to the table, setting your things down at the seat across from Peter’s, where you always sat.

“Hey there Starky” Flash said, a wide smirk tugging on his lips. But only earned a bored look from you as you opened her juice bottle.

“I’m not a Stark-” you began to deadpan like you did every time he called you that, but Flash continued to speak before you could explain any further, he was talking again.

“So I’m throwing a party tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along” He said. You sat in yout seat, giving Peter and Ned a hidden look of annoyance and amusement before turning back to Flash.

“Well that depends” you spoke almost flirtatiously.  “What all is there?”

“What do you mean?” Flash replied in a confused fashion.  “Me, I’m there.  DJ-ing and hosting” He bragged.

“Oh really?” you pretended to be impressed.

“Yeah” Flash smirked again, letting out a sigh like it was rough work.

You were certain he hadn’t done a damn ounce of work since the day he was born.

“Well Peter and Ned and I will have to make an appearance then huh?”you asked, quirking an eyebrow up.  Testing him.

“I- well I mean-” Flash began to stumble over his words as he tried to find the right way to get you to come without the lame baggage of Peter Parker and Ned Leeds. “Wait, you know Spiderman, right Parker?”

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