Snowflakes and Cuddles

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You shiver, wrapping your bare arms tighter around yourself and look around for any sign of Peter. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much you could see through the flurries of white whipping through the air. You hadn’t meant to leave your jacket at home this morning, but being that today was the last day of the first semester as well as finals, the thought didn’t even cross your mind as you practically flew out the door. To say you were seriously regretting not taking the extra second to grab your coat would be the understatement of the year. 

Figuring Peter would already be at your decided meeting place, as soon as the bell signaled the end of the day you decided to head into the snow quickly in hopes that you could start home as soon as you got there. You aren’t sure why you were counting on Mr. Can’t be anywhere on time to get there before you. You would think that by senior year he would’ve learned to look at a clock every now and again. 

“Damn it, Peter.” You mutter quietly, brushing snow from your eyes. 

After a few more minutes you finally see Peter making his way to you, the dark of his coat contrasting the white of the storm. He approaches you with a smile which quickly turns into panic when he hears you call his name, “PARKER! Where have you been?!” 

“Oh god Y/N, I’m so sorry! I stopped to clean out my locker and then Ned stopped to ask me a questi- Y/N? Where is your coat?”

“I forgot it this morning, it’s fine. Let’s go.” Slipping your hand in his, you start to pull him behind you only for him to jerk you back in his direction.

“You’re going to freeze to death! Are you insane?”

“Well, I am dating one of the avengers, so I would have to say yes.” You joke sarcastically.

Seeing him start to pull his jacket off, leaving him in just a hoodie, you roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest. “Peter, I’m not taking your jacket. It’s not much help to anyone if you freeze.”

He ignores your words and continues to hold the piece of clothing out to you, “We aren’t going anywhere until you put this on.” You start to protest again but Peter just cuts you off with a simple, “Nope.” And tosses the coat at you, which you instinctively catch.

Knowing you won’t win this argument, you slip it on and watch him pull his hood up, “Happy?”

Peter grins and nods, looking like a puppy who is all too proud of himself and pulls you into his side to walk home. His arm remains wrapped around your waist the whole way, only loosening so you can pull your phone out to read a message from your mom, asking if May would be okay having you over for the night because the storm is only going to get worse and it would be safer for you to just stay the night.

“Hey, Spider boy."

Peter chuckles before replying, “Yes?”

“I’m your responsibility for the night. If it’s okay with Aunt May, that it.”

He gives you a questioning look as you continue walking, “I mean, I’m not complaining and you know that May loves to have you over. Any reason why?”

“Mom says the storm is only going to get worse and would rather I stay with you. They’re out of town until next week so it would just be me in the apartment.”

You both stop just inside the entrance to his building and shake some of the snow from your hair. Tugging his jacket off, you drape it over your arm and lace your hand with his again, letting him lead you to his apartment. 

As soon as the door squeaked open Aunt May called out a greeting.

“Hey, May! Can Y/N stay the night? The snow doesn’t show sign of stopping and her folks are out of town.”

May comes around the corner and immediately pulls you into a hug, “Of course! You can help us set up the Christmas tree!” Her face lights up at the idea. “We’ve been meaning to but Peter has been so busy with school, we just haven’t had the time.”

You thanked her and she told you that she would get something together for dinner, meanwhile you and Peter should go change into dry clothing. Making your way back to Peter’s room, you hang the borrowed coat in the closet and look through his sweaters until you find your favorite. 

After changing, you helped Peter pull the tree and decorations out of storage and into the living room. Aunt May joined you not too soon after, carrying a couple plates of food along with her. You spent the next hour eating, decorating the tree, and haphazardly hanging lights throughout the apartment. Looking over at Peter from time to time, you silently hope that this becomes a tradition of your’s.

Eventually May retired to her room and you curled up next to Peter on the couch, fiddling with the hem of his hoodie, talking about nothing in particular. You could tell he was getting tired, noticing every time he would shake himself awake to continue the conversation. Slowly, you stopped talking and pulled a blanket from the back of the couch to cover the both of you. You stared at the Christmas lights for a bit before closing your eyes and cuddling closer to Peter for the night.

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