p2 of Prove Myself

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There were three possible escape routes you could have taken.

Down the street in the opposite direction of the Stark Tower towards the staring pedestrians and then around the corner. Down the street towards the Stark Tower to an intersection and then around the corner. Or down the subway entrance.

Before he practically jumped off the Tower to fly down to you, Tony had ordered Natasha, Sam and Peter to guard each path; Natasha took on the first, Sam the second and Peter the third, waiting at the subway station and pretending to buy a ticket. Depending on which route you chose, the person guarding it would unobtrusively follow you and report back to the team.

And, most importantly, Tony needed a backup team in case you were violent and wanted to attack him. He knew you were able to paralyze his suit. He didn't know what your intentions were and what else you were capable of. After all, you did attack the Stark Tower - how good could your intentions possibly be, then?

He suspected you would take the subway to escape, seeing as it was the shortest way.

Five seconds after you rushed down the stairs, the power in his suit went back on and he was immediately greeted by JARVIS. A few moments later, he got informed about an incoming call from Happy.

"Yes?" Tony said while giving Natasha and Sam a sign to meet in the Tower. Turning around he jumped off the ground and started flying back to the platform at one of the higher floors.

"I got a message from Peter. He's on it."

You didn't care about what train it was that you jumped on, when you were basically running for your life. So, now it is time to look for a way to get home.

You exit the train after three stations (just to get some distance between you and the Avengers) and immediately search for the Subway Map to figure out what train would take you to your hotel. The black scarf is still over your mouth and nose and the beanie still covers your hair. You had completely stuffed it under the fabric to remain as anonymous as possible. Turns out that was the greatest decision you made that day.

After approximately twenty minutes you get off the vehicle at your station and proceed to walk to the staircase leading up to the streets. The adrenaline from earlier has subsided, leaving you with a tired, sober feeling in your bones. Apparently, the previous events have affected you more than it first seemed.

You keep your eyes on the ground and dodge people that walk towards you. As you finally stand on the sidewalk you take a deep breath and put your head back.

Fucking Stark. You sigh. Had to ruin everything. Why does your idol have to be that problematic? Good first impression my ass, you think as you start walking. He hates me.

Or maybe he doesn't hate you. He just wants to kill you. Fine difference.

Feeling a hint of paranoia you take a look behind you. This is a very busy street, so naturally a lot of people are walking in a dozen different directions. For a brief second you make eye contact with a boy who is walking ten metres behind you. He instantly looks away, lets his gaze fall to the ground and pretends like he didn't just get caught staring at you.

A woman on her phone gets in the way and cuts off your view from the (actually very cute) boy who - you could have sworn - started to blush.

He is harmless, you decide. A teenager who simply got caught while checking out another teenager. You can't help but smile. Not often that a boy shows interest in you, and when it does happen you always feel a little taken aback.

Eventually, you reach your hotel. Before entering you look around you again. No one even spares you a glance. The boy is gone. You ignore the slight disappointment you feel at that discovery.

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