Feelings Unnoticed

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If there was one thing you were good at, it was hiding your feelings, especially from your best friend Peter Parker. You’ve had a crush on Peter for as long as you can remember. With his cute smile, cheesy shirts, and love for science, you just fell for him even more. Although, what really set the bar high was finding out he was Spider-Man. He was going to tell you eventually, but he couldn’t risk putting you in harm’s way.

You and Peter were currently in the bedroom trying to get past the firewall to your dads (Tony) files he was keeping locked up from Peter. Yet nothing was ever locked, at least not with you.

“Y/n, does your dad not realize that you can get past anything?” Peter questions as he’s working on removing the masks tracker.

“I honestly don’t know Peter, he clearly hasn’t noticed I reset the security alarms every time I sneak out, so I wouldn’t worry too much.” You say typing in codes on your laptop.

“Dammit!” You groan.

“What?” He looks up at you.

“There’s a ton of subsystems in here.”

“Can’t you get past them?” Someone was getting impatient, you thought.

“Um...nope, they’re all disabled by something called...The Training Wheels Protocol.” You start laughing your ass off. Your dad clearly doesn’t trust Peter because if he’s going to go through all this trouble and name it that, then you guys were out of luck.

“I’m sick of Mr. Stark treating me like a kid!” He gets up and jumps on your bed.

“But you are a kid.”

“Yeah, a kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands!”

“Don’t beat yourself up Peter, I’m sure my dad has his reasons.” You close your laptop and place it on your nightstand.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” He scoffs.

Peter sits down from his previous standing and lays down beside you. You both fall into a comfortable silence. You glance at him and can’t help but admire him. He puts himself at risk to protect everyone else, yet your dad can’t seem to understand that. Sure he’s just trying to make sure Peter doesn’t get his head stuck in the clouds, but does he really need to go to extreme measures.

“Y/n? Hey Y/n.”  Peter pulls you out of your trance with a wave in front of your face.

“W-What? Oh sorry peter, what were you saying?” Your faces goes red.

“Ha, um I was saying the I should probably head home, its getting kind of late, and Aunt May will start to worry.”

“Oh yeah definitely!”

Peter gets up and starts putting his things into his backpack. You didn’t want him to leave, you enjoyed his company more than anything, plus your dad was always busy so you couldn’t have that dad/daughter/son bonding time. You just wished that you could tell Peter how you felt. You even kept giving him small hints, from the long hugs, to complimenting him, he just didn’t seem to notice.

“Alright, I should head out now, thanks for the help Y/n.” Peter walks up to you and you guys hug. He pulls away first, but you grab his wrist. Peter stares at you.

“Y/n, are you okay?”

“Uh-yeah sorry about that Pete, see you at school tomorrow.” You nod.

“Yeah.” He gives you a curious look, but shows a small smile. He turns and walks to the door.

“Night Y/n.”

“Night Peter.” You give him a small salute with two fingers.

You watch as he closes the door behind him. Oh how you wished you had the guts to tell him how you felt.

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