p3 of Don't Let Go

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Fate’s in Stark Tower. There’s no particular reason for her being there, but she found herself to be drawn to the feelings inside of it. It’s an odd mix of melancholy and sunshine happiness.

She walks into the lab, almost in awe of the technology that surrounds her. For being a goddess, she doesn’t entirely understand how beings like Tony Stark and Bruce Banner can make such magnificent things with only their mind and their determination. Tony Stark sits in the corner, quietly working on something red and blue. He’s putting bits of iron into it as he tinkers with the wiring. Bruce is in another corner, but Fate can’t see what he’s working on. In reality, the only thing she can feel from him is the slight anxiety and, somewhere deeper, anger.

That’s when Pepper comes in, bright and elegant. Tony doesn’t look up, still working, his leg bouncing up and down and his hands lightly shaking. There’s an air around him that Fate doesn’t quite understand. When Pepper walks up next to him, hand sliding down his arm to rest on his hand, he smiles just a little bit.

His head leans on her arm just slightly, his eyes closing for a moment. Fatigue radiates off him, yet Fate can feel the warmth and love that seems to surround them as well. Somewhere in the Tower, she can feel the laugh of a broken soldier. It’s soft, in response to something an old friend said too long ago.

The tower is full of yellows and blues, intertwining and mixing. The blue seems to hang around people like James Barnes, but sometimes, a certain girl walks by and the yellow seems to hang around for just a moment.

Then Coincidence pops up behind her, always the picture of calm and composure. He’s looking around at the tower, as if he hasn’t been here a thousand times before. He smiles a bit when he sees Tony and Pepper laughing quietly at something Tony said.

“First time here, huh?” He says, and he twirls around to look at her finally.

“Yeah,” She replies, breathy and barely there, and she almost leaves it at that, but a question pops into her head. “Why are you here?” Coincidence looks back at Tony and Pepper again, then looks across the room to Bruce. There’s a sense of familiarity in him, and she follows his gaze around the room.

“I’ve always liked it here,” He whispers, and then he begins to walk out of the lab. Fate follows him, curiosity begging him to continue. He looks at her with an inquisitive look, then turns back to her again. “We haven’t talked in, what, six months? Why’ve you suddenly taken interest in the people I mentioned in our fight?”

“I thought about it for a bit-"

“Six months,” Coincidence interrupts, and Fate shoots him a playful glare as a soft smirk settles on his face.

“Anyway, I thought about it for a long while, and I realized that maybe you were right,” Fate says it reluctantly, but she’s looking around the colors of the tower again, and Coincidence follows her gaze, just like she did to him moments before. “I mean, look at all these colors, there’s so much fear and sadness here.” She pauses again, and looks back towards the lab, where the yellow colors seem their brightest for the moment. “But there’s love, too.”

Coincidence smiles down at Fate, watching her take it all in. In her absence, he had found himself also looking over Peter and his soulmate. He didn’t dare interfere, but he did find ways to add in little events into both their lives to make them happier. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he also found himself growing fond of the two.

“So,” Coincidence begins, “Did you find out what was so special about our two favorite soulmates yet?” Fate turns now, and looks up at him with a look that almost resembles shame.

“Not yet,” She says, and Coincidence quirks his eyebrow up at that. “I would say it’s because Peter’s a superhero, but it’s not like we needed each other for those two.” She gestures towards the lab where Tony and Pepper sit, the yellow still radiating from the room. She feels Bruce’s laugh from somewhere inside as well.

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