That Night

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I would rather clean all of the school toilets with a toothbrush then be at this party. Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty fun to watch a bunch of drunk teens act like idiots, but this is just not my scene. I sit in the packed living room filled with people dancing under makeshift party lights. The flashing lights are ductaped to the walls, causing a kaleidoscope of colors to wash over numerous bodies and objects. The music blaring through the house rattles the couch I’m sitting on, the vibrations giving off a tickling sensation.

I’ve been sitting here for a couple of minutes, a red solo cup filled with the cheapest beer the host could find in my hand. If I’m being perfectly honest, I have no idea who’s house I am in, or what this party is even for, but that’s the case for half of the people here. Teens hear ‘party’ and don’t care what it’s about… as long as there’s alcohol. I turn my attention from my untouched cup to the mob of people, not seeing anyone I know very well. MJ had dragged me to this party much to my surprise. This wasn’t here scene even more than it wasn’t mine. We’ve been best friends for awhile now and never once has she wanted to go to a party. Being the good friend I am, I decided to come along, not wanting her to be alone.

She told me to sit down and wait because she had to do something, but that was now five minutes ago. I sit back further into the couch, growing restless, and setting my cup on the end table. I’m not much of a drinker, but I didn’t know what to say when some wasted blonde handed me the cup with a hug. So I just awkwardly hugged the stranger back, thanking her, and walking away with a cup of the cheap substance.

I’m snapped out of my thoughts by two people plopping down next to me. My head whips over, not understanding why these two strangers decided to come to the one spot away from everything. It takes me a couple seconds to blink past all the lights, but I realize exactly what they’re doing. They’re heavily making out. They roll around, touching every part of the other they can reach. I sit in shock, not knowing what to do, when suddenly they roll straight on me. My eyebrows knit in disgust as I immediately hop up from my spot, not giving the two another look. Who in the hell decides to make out on top of a stranger? Maybe I’m just biase since my love life isn’t going, how do you say it… at all okay.

I make me way through the crowd, narrowly dodging bodies that are tightly packed together. “God, I am so stupid for coming here” I think to myself, the feeling of people bumping into me making my pace quicken. I see MJ across the dark room, my eyes widening, and my hand subconsciously waving furiously. I attempt to grab her attention, calling her name a few times without prevail, the music way too loud. I push through the final couple people when I bump into a guy. He immediately holds up the alcohol to avoid spilling it, giving me a death glare that would make children cry. I mutter an apology as I rush over to my best friend, taking large strides. I call her name one last time, her gaze snapping towards me as she pushes someone away from her. I look at her questioningly, trying to get a glimpse at the person she was talking to. The person went away too quickly though, the only sight I am able to catch is of a dark blue jacket.

“Who was that, and where did you go,” I ask with my arms crossed tightly over my chest. Her features seem to relax as I say my piece, her hands going up to tighten her ponytail. I look behind her again, searching the crowd for the dark blue jacket and the person wearing it. MJ mutters something I didn’t catch, causing me to step forward with a look she knew meant I had no idea what was said.

“I said, that was Ned! He had to rush off because he-“ she cut herself off with a cough, something I find suspicious, but not enough to question her on, “got a text from his mom saying she needed him home! Oh, and I had to go to the bathroom!” I just look at her hesitantly, not bothering to question her some more. I blow a stray strand of hair out of my face, dropping my arms to my side. I’m almost positive she wasn’t talking to Ned… maybe it’s a guy she likes. I open my mouth to say something when someone bumps into MJ causing her drink to fly all over me. I look down at my plain white t-shirt that now has a huge stain down the front. Of course this has to happen, just my fucking luck.

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