"My Girl"

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“C'mon, Peter. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.” Your teeth bit sharply at the diminishing nails on your fingertips, lips ghosting with air as the heavy breaths emitting from deep within you puffed out to surround your nervous figure.

The carpet brushed your calloused feet beneath you; walking back and forth with the anticipation climbing from deep within your gut. The digital clock perched on your night stand glared at you smugly, the time of eleven fifty-four shining across your brown orbs.

He was so, so late. And it made you freak out.

Your arms ran cold as the wind that was brushing through the open, inviting window escaped throughout your room. The pitch black sky radiated with intensity, the city life still bustling with activity, yet you didn’t think it was inviting for a sixteen year old boy.

The calm setting of your room wasn’t enough to put you at ease, it almost brought you even more discomfort, seeing it so vacantly behind your worriment.

Peter Parker stressed you til no end. His double-life was something you were no stranger of; however, it brought your being to a state of complete anxiety.  All your thoughts were focused on for the time being were him. Your mind was rattled with numerous scenarios as to where your boyfriend could be swinging through the city right now.

He’s fine, Y/N. Don’t worry about it so much. He knows how to handle himself.

Does he though?

He disappears for hours, and you’ve learned to stop asking him where he was off to, because you already knew the answer, unfortunately.

“Pete, where are you-”

“Y/N, I’ll be back. Don’t worry, my beautiful girl,” he would reassure you, leaning in to kiss your cheek quickly before dashing off through the school doors and out into the rigorous, quick-paced city of Queens.

The loving nickname still caused your stomach to twist with adoration, despite the anger you felt towards him for putting himself in yet another dangerous situation. The name was no sign of authority, as you called him my boy in response, a smile creeping across your lips. The nicknames for one another were a sign of playfulness, anguish, hastiness, yet love for the other. He would always call you it in times of tensions between the two of you to soften your exterior a bit, allowing himself to trap you and not to beat his ass in times of complete aggravation.

Peter Parker stressed you out till no end, yet he was your boy, your beautiful boy, who, no matter what, had your heart forever.

However, you couldn’t help but admire his concern for others out there, craving to save people from everything that could possibly put them in harms way. You felt the same he did, wanting people to constantly feel safe in their surroundings. Yet a small piece of your heart was reserved for his safety, his well-being.

But, as your pacing figure grew anxious by the second, hair combed behind your ears as your fingernails were being bitten to the nub, Peter was on his way to your window, swinging as fast as he possibly could.

Your thoughts, unbeknownst to the two of you, were connected; his mind was racing with images of you.

As his web shot out in various places to support his figure flinging throughout the city, his eyes radiated pure guilt behind the mask; heart thumping at an unusually fast pace as he attempted to make it to you as quickly as he possibly could.

He knew, of course, what you were doing at that exact moment in time. How could he not? He could sense your emotions from miles away; your hearts connected in more ways than one.

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