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There were only five minutes left until lunch, but it might as well have been five years. The hands on the clock were creeping slower by the second. All you wanted to do was get out of there.

The teacher had given up trying to get anything done, and all of your friends were chatting around you about homecoming and boys and their weekend plans, but you barely heard them. Besides, after a while, the conversations all sounded the same anyway.

"Who are you going to homecoming with, Y/N?" your best friend Jenna asked, a slight sneer on her face. You were one of the only girls in your friend group who didn't have a date yet.

"Don't know," you said absently.

"It's a week from tomorrow. How do you still not know?"

You shrugged. "I'll figure it out." The bell rang, saving you from further interrogation. You sprang out of your seat. "See you guys later."

"How many more tutoring sessions does she have left?" you heard Jenna complain on your way out. "Lunch is getting so boring."

You smiled to yourself. You'd told your friends you were being tutored during lunch because you were failing chemistry, but little did they know what you were really doing.

You went to the library, hurrying to the back of the room where the supply closet was hidden behind rows and rows of books. You knocked twice, waiting until it opened.

Peter Parker stuck his head out, grinning once he saw it was you. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," you answered. "You gonna let me in or what?"

He stood back, allowing you to come inside the closet. He'd just barely closed the door and turned around when you were crowding him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Oof," he said, instinctively grabbing your waist. "What's up?"

"Nothin'," you said. "Just missed you." You said it partially because it was true, but also because you loved the goofy grin Peter got on his face whenever you said things like that.

"Missed you too," he said quietly, leaning forward and nudging his nose against yours. You closed your eyes as he kissed you and everything else disappeared.

* * *

At first, you really had been failing chem. You were more interested in going to the mall with your friends than studying and your grades reflected that. In a last-ditch effort, your teacher paired you with a tutor, another student your age who had never gotten anything lower than an A: Peter Parker.

Things started out pretty rocky. Peter was at the bottom of the high school food chain while you were comfortably on top. You had absolutely nothing in common. He thought you were stuck-up and snobby and you thought he was a total loser.

But over time, your grades got better and your friendship with him blossomed until the tutoring sessions weren't even necessary anymore, you just liked spending time with him. One day, while sitting at your favorite table tucked away from prying eyes, he kissed you. You could've sworn you heard birds singing. With him, you could let your guard down and be yourself, something you couldn't do with your friends.

Speaking of your friends, they'd never let you hear the end of it if word got out that you were dating Peter Parker. So it had to stay a secret, and these few minutes in the library's supply closet were all you had.

You knew that Peter would've liked to kiss you hello and goodbye and hang out by your locker, but it just wasn't possible. You had a reputation. What would everyone think of you?

So outside of that tiny room, the two of you didn't speak. You didn't even look at each other. And since Peter never said anything about it, you assumed he was fine with that too.

Peter Parker Oneshot FanfictionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora