p3 of Prove Myself

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Run or stay. Run or stay? RUN OR STAY?!

What should you do? The Avengers are literally coming for you. You can see them. Flying towards you.

Iron Man in the middle, being accompanied by War Machine, Falcon, Scarlet Witch (kind of hovering?) and Thor (being pulled by his hammer?).

There is no Captain America or Winter Soldier, no Hulk, no Black Widow and no Hawkeye. They either stayed away because they can’t fly and they will join you later or they were busy. That doesn’t really feel like a relief, though. Tony Stark alone would have you running for the hills.

What to do? What to do? Wait for them and talk to them? Maybe try to convince them you’re not evil and actually want to be part of the team? Risk that they don’t buy it, see you as a threat and lock you away in their facility?

You did attack their home. You paralyzed their arc reactor. Stark Industries kind of relies on that tech. Not much you can work with here. That whole mission was a mistake. Stupid stupid stupid.

“I’m sorry” Spider-man says behind you. Oh, so at least he knows he was being sneaky by calling Death in an iron suit and his deadly (awesome) friends to take over. How nice.

Within a second you decide to make a quick getaway. This is definitely not good and knowing your luck, you will most likely end up behind a glass pane in some laboratory.

You turn around and start to run. You get two metres between you and Spider-man before you feel your feet glued together and stuck to the ground. Very ungraceful you fall on your knees. Shit shit shit. As fast as possible you get back up and try to escape from your spider web-ankle-cuffs. Obviously, that doesn’t work.

“Let me go!” You demand, panic filling your voice. You look at Spider-man, your eyes full of fear, trying to reach his empathic side. “Please!”

As an answer he simply crosses his arms and looks at his feet. No help from Spidey. Of course he’s loyal to Stark.

With a wildly beating heart you watch as Stark and his posse land on the roof about three metres away from you. If you thought seeing Iron Man, live and in colour, land before you with the Stark Tower in the background yesterday was impressive, than this is simply off the charts. It looks like a well-practiced choreography, like a group of superstars coolly taking the stage. And Spider-man.

You don’t dare to say anything, you’re too busy with staring at everyone. How absolutely mortifying would it be if you passed out at this exact moment?

“Great to see you again” Stark sarcastically says as if you weren’t glued to the ground and wouldn’t be bolting as soon as you had the chance.

And again. The scarf and the beanie were a great choice! The idea of your own superhero mask becomes more and more appealing to you. You wouldn’t risk losing the beanie or scarf while running around the city and having your identity revealed. If you go out – as originally planned – you will need a better outfit for saving people and doing good stuff.

“Hm-hm” You agree carefully, not sounding very excited. Facing the Avengers makes you shy and very, very nervous and you don’t really trust your voice right now.

Before Stark can say anything else, out of nowhere another person appears next to Thor, making you jump. He is in a silver, metallic looking suit with red parts on his chest and stomach and he wears a strange silver helmet. This must be Ant-Man.

You have only seen one picture of him which was taken by an anonymous person that was there during that big airport fight. They took a lot of blurry pictures, one of them being a shot of Ant-Man who, for some reason, was bigger than the airport building. The pictures are the only proof for the public that the Avengers had something to do with the demolition of the airport terrain. The lucky person who took them sold everything to a magazine; it being the biggest story of the month.

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