p8 of Prove Myself

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There are things in life that go so horribly wrong that you can't even comprehend the extent of the situation while it's happening and only after everything went down, you start to understand what you just witnessed.

There are also things in life that end in such a lucky, favourable way that you can't believe everything fell into place just how you needed it. This is one of those situations.

In case it was unclear before – you worship everything around and involving Tony Stark. You have for years and even though it doesn't seem like you will be best friends in the future, he is your idol. And seeing your idol being threatened and about to die activates immediate reflexes in you.

You don't think about it – it all happens way too fast to process – but as soon as you see the gun, you use your powers to reach out to Tony, it happens within milliseconds, and build an invisible, magnetic wall in front of him. Thanks to years and years of practice you don't need more than a moment.

As soon as the wall stands gun shots are fired not even a second later. Three shots in total. They all take their planned route heading straight towards Tony, though you can't actually see them flying. You can't see them until they hover twenty centimetres in front of his head, being captivated by your wall. You felt the violent impact when the bullets collided with it.

You stare at them and think about how your powers are back from being paralyzed. Either the serum lost its effect enough for you to resist the remaining drops of it and break through or the exceptional factor of this situation plus adrenaline gave you enough strength to dominate over it entirely.

Either way, this is the luckiest you have ever been. And maybe the angriest. That fucking Bruno guy almost killed Iron Man.

The bullets have floated at Tony's head for about three seconds when you hear someone shift behind you. You turn your head and see everyone standing up in a collective ready-to-fight-pose but all of them wear a confused slash terrified expression on their face. You're the only one who is still sitting.

Which is probably what gives you away.

"How is that possible?" Bruno asks and pulls your attention back to him. He has lost his smile and everything that radiated confidence and now looks equally as confused as the others and a little angry.

His eyes travel to you and it only takes him two seconds to put everything together. You're the only one who didn't jump up when he revealed the gun because you were too busy protecting Tony and you're the only new face of the group. No one else has the power to control things without touching them.

Except for Wanda. Who is not present right now.

"Bruno, how did you get in here?" Tony asks, sounding very pissed off but standing perfectly still. He is also ignoring the bullets near his head that had almost killed him.

"So, I see, you recruited another teenager?" Bruno says instead of replying. He doesn't even take his eyes off you. For some reason it pisses you off even more that he ignores Tony and disrespects him like that, in his own house. Also the attempted murder, that's a big red flag, too.

"How did you get in here? Those golden circles looked very familiar to me. You don't have anything to do with Doctor Strange do you?" Tony asks again.

"Can't you adults do your superhero shit on your own anymore? Are you that desperate to recruit a bunch of kids? What have the Avengers become since I left them?"

What? WHAT?? WHATTT???

Since I left them?? What the fuck, Bruno, what the fucking shit fuck are your saying, god dammit??

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