p4 of Prove Myself

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So. You’re fucked. Big time.

Surprise. Didn’t see that coming … obviously.

If you’d had at least a minimum of logical thinking, yesterday, you would have known that attacking your idols was an eminently bad idea. More so as you wanted those idols to like you.

Common sense. Apparently, not accessible to everyone. Too bad.

Tony Stark has just announced the verdict and sentence to this case, which unfortunately means they will arrest you. Oh, no wait! Even though it feels like it, maybe arrest is the wrong word. They will capture you and take you as a prisoner. Much better.

Stark said they would stun you. That’s probably against the law, but none of them seems like they are dutiful in that regard. And if we are being meticulous for a moment here, you did break the law as well by practically hacking the Stark Tower, so it’s not like you could use the judiciary in your favour.

You can see the Avengers take on a We won’t hesitate bitch-posture after they all took a step towards you. While the biggest part of you feels absolutely frightened, there’s still a small part of you that is very much impressed by seeing the Avengers do superhero stuff like getting ready for a fight. Even if that stance is directed at you.

“Please don’t do this. I beg you” You say, your voice filled with panic.

“As I said, I advise you to sit down if you don’t want to fall to the ground face first” Stark says while stepping back into his suit, being immediately covered by the metal. His face disappears and gets replaced by a cold mask. You see the blue lights turn on. This must be the literal visualisation of Shit is getting’ real.

“Please, Mr. Stark! We can talk about this! I swear, I promise I would never hurt anyone, neither the Avengers nor the people!”

“Kid, for the last time! Sit down or you will hurt yourself!”

Your first thought is to paralyze his suit again. His and War Machine’s. You try to reach out with your powers and get to their arc reactors, but you can’t feel anything. It’s like your magnetic hand grabs the air. How is that possible??

And then it hits you.

Wanda will use her abilities to paralyze any type of magnetism that you try to send in our direction.

She really managed to cut off her people from your reach. You throw a quick glance at her. She looks determined, but she must have felt your magnetic attempt, because a frown forms on her face only two seconds after.

You can’t escape. You can’t paralyze them. You can’t hit them with magnetic shock waves or manipulate their blood circulation (by the way, what the fuck, Stark??). You are fucked.

Thor raises his hammer and points it at you. Within a second little flashes of lightning appear on its surface. For your and our safety we will stun you.

We will stun you.

Thor’s hammer is still directed at you.

They won’t stun you by means of the God of Thunder’s powers, will they? Are they out of their fucking mind?? Maybe stun means something different in the language of superheroes. Won’t that kill you? Being struck by lightning of a God’s hammer??

Oh my god. The Avengers are completely insane.

Your pulse speeds up even more, if that’s humanly possible. Adrenaline rushes through your veins and cold sweat has appeared on your skin. You have never felt so scared in your life.

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