Don't Let Go

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When Fate was young, she had a habit of stringing people together. She would take their strings and tie them together somewhere along the middle. These red ribbons could stretch over states, countries, and oceans. She always felt her heart sink when she found two soulmates with an ocean separating them. However, she continued to tie the string before moving on to the next set.

It would be a few centuries of this before Fate found her hands grew much too tired to constantly be tying strings. She tried out a few new ideas, figuring the new American settlers wouldn’t mind to be her guinea pigs for a bit. This, perhaps, would be her payback for hurting her personal favorite groups of people.

So Fate experimented. She gave them compasses pointing to their soulmate, but most either lost them or were too stupid to use the compass correctly. She gave them tattoos from birth reflecting their soulmates own, but they all equally dismissed them and stared at the tattoo in awe on occasion. It would be 200 years later, creeping up on the 1900s, when she finally found the right way for people to find their soulmates.

By the 1990s, Fate had perfected the practice. At the point of birth, she simply blessed the children with the ability to have writing from their soulmate appear on their own body and vice versa. Of course, there were limitations. Writing where you lived was forbidden, and full names had to be compromised as the internet came into play. However, Fate still enjoyed watching a boy cover himself in intricate patterns with curly lettering and flowers only for another boy to find himself gazing at the skin on his arm as the ink slowly came to life.

It was summer when Fate found a couple she was particularly excited about. The boy, now crying as he lay in his mother’s arms, was now being blessed with the connection to a girl that would be born within a few months time. The parents were unaware of Fate’s presence as she watched on, smiling at the couple. Fate was forever cursed to watch on as she helped her people find happiness.

By now, Fate was older. She had seen many a couple rejoice as they met each other and feel the love shared by one another within only a few months, but this couple had something different about them. So when the mother whispered “Peter” into the boy’s little ear, she smiled and turned away from the hospital bed.

Centuries of soulmates was something Fate had become used to, but never in her life had she turned around and seen Coincidence staring directly at her. The two tended to leave each other alone, letting one rule love while the other ruled the magic of life.

“Hello, Coincidence,” Said Fate, she continued walking as Coincidence followed after her. Fate played with on of the many curls atop her head before setting her hands to her side.

“There’s something different about them,” Coincidence replied. Fate took a look at him. His shirt was loosely tucked into his pants and his hands were in his pockets. He was in a relaxed stance as he brushed a piece of hair out of his face.

“I know, but I don’t know what it is. Why are you even paying attention to this? It’s not like you have control of this area of their lives,” Fate mumbled as she turned away from Coincidence and kept walking. The hospital was busied with people, in every hallway she could hear life being given and taken away. She preferred the wings where it was being given, but she could always sense a mother or two fading off as they gave everything they had to their child. She sighed and looked back to see Coincidence staring at the baby.

“You coming?” She asked. Coincidence broke his gaze at Peter before nodding and joining Fate.

Fate opened a hospital door and soon enough Fate and Coincidence were transported up to the clouds. This was Fate’s own, personal, way of looking over the people she cared about oh so much. She was in control of these small bits of happiness, and it was something she was glad to see.

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