p3 of Gotta Catch Your Heart

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"Alright Auntie Kayla," you began taking a water bottle from the fridge. You cracked it open and took a long sip of it while waiting for your Aunt's approval.  She was sitting down at the kitchen table looking intently at the morning crossword while also petting Duke who sat at her side.  "I'll be back later today, I'll see you soon alright?" You asked.

She didn't look up from her crossword. "Alright Y/N, have fun on your date and don't come home too late," She said nonchalantly. You almost choked on your water. "E-Excuse me??" You asked your face heating up already. You heard her snicker and she raised her coffee cup at you. "I said enjoy your date!"

"It's not a date Auntie," you murmured. "Besides! Peter's bringing his friend so it's not like we're going to be all alone," You said with a shrug. Your Aunt finally looked back at you smirking. "Well whatever you say, honey, tell this sweet Peter boy that I hope the three of you have a great time." You nodded making your way out the front door. "See you, Aunt Kayla!"

You pulled your phone out looking at the past few texts that you and Peter had sent to one another. They were simple and had no real romantic impressions, but you couldn't help but smile. Peter was just such a kind and cool person. You were surprised why he wasn't swarmed by girls on a daily basis. You tapped on your phone as you began to walk.

Hi Peter! I'm heading over to the bus stop now. I'll see you soon!

You didn't even have a chance to slide your phone back into your pocket before getting a response.

Cool, Ned and I will be there in a minute. Today is gonna be great! :)

You wanted to spin in circles. Was it possible to be this head over heels in only a day? You bit your lip thinking about it. It seemed like straight out of a book. You bumped into a very cute boy while walking some dogs and were able to find more in common with him than any person you had met back at home where you had lived all your life. You sighed to yourself reading over the message again.

Today is gonna be great! :)

You saw the bus stop come into view and you could see Peter's curls from a mile away. You impatiently waited for the crosswalk light to change and when it did, you trotted quickly to the bus stop. Peter looked up from his conversation with his friend to you and returned your smile gracefully.

"Y/N! Hey, you made it!" he said. You really wished that he would have pulled you into a hug, even if it were just a friendly one, but he didn't so you just nodded; you were happy to be around anyway. "Yeah, I'm glad I could!! This is going to be awesome," You said your fists curling up happily.

"Oh! Hey, I should introduce you two." Peter said motioning to the tall tan boy who gave a short wave.

"Ned this is Y/N, the girl I was telling you about," he explained motioning to you making yourself feel ten times more conscious of your appearance. So he talked about you? You waved back. "Hi, nice to meet you!" you greeted him.

"Y/N, this is Ned, he's my best friend and the one who dropped the death star," Peter nudged him playfully causing you to fight back a laugh. You bit your smile trying not to look like a huge dork.

"Nice to meet you too Y/N," Ned said as the bus pulled into the stop slowly behind himself and Peter. "This is ours," The doors opened up slowly. A line of people poured into the bus and you followed the two boys behind quietly paying for your ride alongside them. The three of you, unfortunately, couldn't find a seat so you had to stand towards the end of the bus.

You wouldn't admit it, but this was your first public bus ride. On the island nearly everyone drove places themselves so unless you took an Uber, a school bus or used the LIRR you usually didn't take public transportation. So when the bus lurched forward unexpectedly you found yourself stumbling over your own feet tripping into Peter. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Peter!" You felt your face flush with embarrassment.
Your hands were pressed on Peter's chest.

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