p10 of Prove Myself

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When you open them a second later, you look into pure blackness.

Your heart is beating in your throat, so hard that you can barely breathe, barely move. You feel a painful pulse on your temples, you feel your hands shake, feel sweat running down your spine. Your whole body is on alert.

You're still being held by someone, like a groom would carry his wife.

Escape! Escape! Escape!

But how can you escape if you can't see anything?

A millisecond after you had that thought there's a sudden light right in front of, causing you to close your eyes again. Pain. There's so much pain in your eyes, you feel yourself tense up.

Suddenly, the air around you, being cool in blackness, gets a little warmer and more comfortable. Slowly, you open your eyes again.

It's so bright that you have to blink for a couple of seconds and adjust to the crass difference.

"We may have not been successful at killing Tony or his allies but at least we have the girl. Uninjured. Perfect, the absorption process works best if she is in a good state." You don't need to see him to know that that's Bruno speaking. He sounds like he is standing a couple feet next to you.

You try to face him with teary eyes, desperately trying to see something but all you can make out are blurry silhouettes.

"Y/N, you should have kept your eyes closed the whole time, darling. The lights one encounters while travelling with magic can burn your eyes. Or, well, they have burned your eyes" Bruno says and it bothers the hell out of you that you can't look at the bastard while he is talking down to you.

Being captured by the incarnation of the bad guys, being held by an unknown (strong) soldier andnot being able to see is the worst combination you ever had to endure. Your powers are still paralyzed and you don't know why. Talk about helpless.

"You could have told me that, how the fuck am I supposed to know" You snap back, despite feeling scared to death but he really pisses you off.

"Kessa will heal your eyes and it won't take long, so no need to be a bitch."

He went from Darling to Bitch within ten seconds. Oh boy, this is gonna be a wild ride.

"Adam, bring her to the guest room we always use for this. I will send Kessa to heal her and then we won't waste any time and start with the first step of the absorption immediately. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice."

The same mistake twice. Is he talking about Wanda? Does that mean Wanda caused trouble when she was captured?

A little dash of hope germinates inside of you. Could she have escaped from them?

You feel the soldier holding you nod and start to walk. You know when he left the room where you just had that little meeting because his steps get a more echoing sound to them as if he was walking in a wide hallway.

Adam doesn't say anything while he carries you to your room. You wait a couple of seconds before speaking.

"Adam, would you be so kind as to let me down?" Plan A: try to be sweet and reach his empathetic side.

Adam doesn't answer and just keeps walking. There is no sign that he even heard you. He must have. Bruno talked to him and Adam obeyed his order.

"Adam, please let me down. I'm practically a child, I'm 16 years old, high-school student. I don't want to have anything to do with this, okay, I'm not even part of the Avengers."

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