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Peter couldn't entirely comprehend how he ended up in the position that he was in. His brain was screaming internally at him, eyebrows furrowed worriedly in the middle of his forehead; vision blurred as he gazed around the setting. He could feel the warmth and itchiness from his Midtown Tech shirt begin to slightly brush his skin as his neck turned in all different directions as his short, bitten fingernails scratched at the collar of it.

Was this the mindset he would be in for the rest of the afternoon? No, it couldn't be. He was destined to snap himself out of his countering thoughts and focus on what was specifically and bewilderingly important at this moment in time. Where he was and who he was with.

"Do I want the number five or six?" Ned narrowed his eyes in the direction of the menu covered in huge white lettering, hands scratching the top of his head in contemplation.

Peter shrugged at him, shoving his hands deep into his pockets as he moved his head up, observing the endless options across the menu as if he would actually attempt to try something new.

As his eyes raked the lettering, he felt a chill emit across his figure as the breeze from the noon air whipped through the door; indicating a new customer had entered behind the two of them. He didn't bother to look back, knowing that it was just the regulars that Delmar's encountered with every day around three in the afternoon.

"Dude, do I want to add a bag of Doritos?" Ned nudged him in the side, bringing his hand up as Peter followed it to the bag of chips displayed on the counter in front of them. He sighed, pursing his lips slightly as he contemplated whether to let Ned buy his own, or not, risking the fact that Ned would eat all of his as they sat in his room later on.

Peter shrugged, a small, softly brown curl laying on his forehead as it fell from the movement, "Yeah, dude. We'll share." Ned smiled, stepping up closer to the counter as they began to wait patiently for the man in front of them to order.

Peter's eyes shifted as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, locking eyes with Mr. Delmar at the counter, fixing the man's sandwich, "Hey, Mr. Parker. Ned!"

Peter's lips formed a smile, nodding his head along with Ned, "Sup Mr. Delmar."

Once it was their turn, they ordered and waited patiently for their sandwiches, Ned beginning to talk rapidly about the new Star Wars set he was going to purchase the next day and how much he help he needed with building it.

"No, dude, yeah. Tomorrow is fine," Peter responded, lips pulling into a thing line as he crossed his arms over his chest. He grew anxious, his stomach grumbling as he patiently waited for his flat number five with pickles.

It had been an extremely long day, and Peter's subconscious was rumbling with thoughts on how much homework he wasn't going to complete over the weekend, and how fucking hungry he was. It was normal every Friday for he and Ned to stop by Delmar's after school, and then head back to his place and discuss new strategies for him to adapt with in his suit.

After a few minutes, Peter watched as his sandwich was being wrapped up, prepared to be taken home so he could devour it; but something from behind him perked his attention.

"Ned, hey!"


Peter's eyes immediately focused in on his best friend. Ned's face lit up as he turned around quickly, a bright smile forming across his lips as he lifted his hand up to wave at someone a few feet away.

He almost choked when he witnessed who was waving back at Ned.

Peter's vision moved from Ned to the direction he was looking in, brown eyes instinctively blooming with curiosity as he focused his attention on you.

Peter Parker Oneshot Fanfictionsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें