p4 of Gotta Catch Your Heart

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The entire convention had turned into a chaotic meltdown, literally and figuratively. The fire began to consume every stall and poster in sight and climbed up the tall staircases that lead up to various places in the building.

You grabbed Ned by the shoulders now, panic setting into your chest and anxiety coming out of your every breath. "Ned!" You shouted. He could see the fear that quivered in your intense stare. "Where the fuck is Peter?!" He looked around the hall trying to give off the idea that he had no idea what his best friend was probably up to.

"I-I don't know Y/N!! He was here a minute ago!!" You threw your hands off of him. "That doesn't help!!" Someone rushed past you slamming into your body and another person blatantly pushed you out of their way throwing you to the floor.

"RUN AWAY!!!" They shouted. A crowd of people were shoving past you now and pushing Ned away from you in the process separating you two.

"Y/N!! Wait!!!" Ned reached for you helplessly as you stood up looking for Peter. You couldn't see him anywhere.

"Ned!!" You called for him despite the distance between you growing quickly. You were almost a hundred percent positive that he couldn't hear you with the intense screaming in the background but you didn't care. You knew what you had to do.

"Check for Peter outside!! I'm going to look in the hall!! I'll be back in five minutes!!" You turned on your heels and ran in the other direction praying that you would be able to keep your promise.

People didn't pay you any mind as you ran straight back into the literal hellfire that was consuming the convention. You were sweating terribly and your breathing was heavy as you charged back into the opposing stampede that rushed to get past you.

Spiderman had already suited up and was swinging near the entrance of the convention rescuing a teenage girl in a Princess Leia costume.

"Thank you Spiderman!" she cried as he lowered her to the ground safely outside the convention. "No problem princess," He shot another web into the building before seeing Ned in the crowd.

"S-Spiderman!!" Ned shouted almost letting Peter's name slip from his tongue. He couldn't help it, things were absolutely nuts right about now. Peter looked down at Ned before pushing his way past the crowd to meet him. "I-Its my friend Spiderman,, Y/N!" He said pointing back into the building.

Peter's heart felt like it plummeted six feet below the earth. "What happened?!" He demanded already getting ready to swing back into the blazing heat.

"She won't leave the building Spidey, she went looking for our friend Peter!" Peter almost doubled back in horror as he looked back at the building. By now, it was completely engulfed in flames. Windows were shattering everywhere and people were still rushing out of the hall in a frenzy. "I'll save her," Peter said his voice shaking but determined. He nodded at Ned before swinging back into the building to look for you in the burning rubble.

You ran up the flaming stairs holding your hands to yourself careful not to touch the scalding railings. You tried to hold back a cough that swelled deep in your chest, your eyes stinging at the intense black smoke that clouded the building. When you reached the top of the stairs you looked around at the discord that was all about the convention. People were still running everywhere like madmen towards the exit, but there was a significant decrease of people in comparison to when the fire had first erupted. You cupped your hands together over your mouth searching for Peter in the running crowd. "PETER??" You screamed as loud as you could. You sucked in a breath to scream again, but smoke entered in your lungs instead making you cough terribly while holding your chest in agony. "P-PETER!!!" You cried again feeling tears threaten to come from your eyes.

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