Music Videos and Math Equations

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Walking down the corridor of the school, you nod your head to the music blasting through your headphones. Your favorite band had released two new singles the day before, and you had had them on repeat all day long. You smile as the singer hits the high note perfectly, and you continue your walk to your math class. 

Walking into the classroom, you slow your stride, and frown at the substitute who was taking the place of your math teacher for the day. Sighing, you walk over to your usual table group where Peter, Ned and Y/F/N were already sitting. Smiling, you nod at all of then and offer a small good morning. Sitting down next to Peter and across for your friend, you pull your earbuds from your ears and wrap the cord around your phone before shrugging off your bag and setting it on the ground. 

“What were you listening to?” You friend asks with a smirk on her face. She knew full well what you were listening to, you two had only spent the entire afternoon talking about Panic’s latest singles and newest music video. 

“Shut up, you know what I'm listening to.” You say, a smile making its way into your face as you give her a playful eye roll. “No but seriously, he looked so good in the video.” You say, a smile fully making its way on to your face at the thought of Brendon Urie.

You feel Peter stiffen next to you and you see his head turn towards you at the mention of another guy, but you are too distracted with your friend to notice his reaction. 

“So good.” Y/F/N nods in agreement with you. “Also, his hai-” The bell goes off signaling the beginning of class, and your friend gives you a look that tells you that she wasn't done with the conversation yet.

“Good morning class.” The short old woman says with a clipboard in her hand. “My name is Mrs. Silver and I'll be your substitute for the day. I'm going to call roll, please say here when I call your name.” She proceeded to call attendance and hand out review guides for your unit test the next day. 

“So as I was saying,” Your friend says continuing the previous conversation “ Brendon looks great. And his hair? He kills me.” She states as she dramatically throws her head back. 

“Oh, I know.” You add, confirming her statement, “God, I just wanna run my fingers through it.” You say, mimicking the movements of running you hand through hair. 

“It looks just like his Vices haircut.” Y/F/N comments matter-of-factly as she places her chin in her palm.

“Yeah,” You nod, “Like a mix of Vices and Death of a Bachelor.” You smile at the thought of it.

Peter clears his throat and snaps you from your daydream with Brendon. “You know,” He says with a sigh “ You're supposed to be working on the math review for the test tomorrow.” He lifts his head and squint at you.

“We are working.” You retort, point at the math equation that you had written down. 

“Right.” Peter responds sarcastically, rolling his eyes, “Y/N, you know that you didn't do too well on the math test last time. Maybe you should focus.”

“What's gotten into you? Why are you so grumpy?” You ask playfully as you lightly shove him. He simply shakes his head in response and turns back to his work. 

Frowning as you look at him, you turn your head back to your friend and she resumes the conversation. “So, we're buying tickets right? I'm paying good money to see Beebo.” She says as she writes down an equation. 

You nod enthusiastically “Of course. I would never miss an opportunity to see Brendon.” You say with a serious tone. “Also, the album cover?” You say, your voice squeaking at the end of the sentence with excitement. Your friend slammed her palm on the table and let out a tongue pop in response.

You let out a small laugh and push your work to the side, turning to completely face her. “Legitimately a man I would marry. He’s just so-”

Peter scoffs loudly and shakes his head, refusing to look up from his work.

“Peter, stop it. I can feel the judgement radiating from you.”

Peter peered up at you, “I’m not judging.”

“Sure, just like you’re not Spider-Man.” You whisper back, teasingly.

Raising his hands innocently, Peter shakes his head. “I’m not judging, I swear! I just think it’s a little weird to be so obsessed-”

“Tony Stark.”

Peter stops and stares at you, turning slightly red. “What?”

“You wanna talk about obsessed?” You grin, “Let’s talk about Tony Stark.”

“I am not obsessed with Mr. Stark.” His replied, his voice getting higher with each word.

“Sure, sweetie.” You smile at him and turn back to Y/F/N, resuming your conversation. “Have you ordered the album yet?” You ask her, your chin resting on your hand, head tilted to the side, awaiting her answer.

“Oh, honey, of course.” She says with a playful scoff. “I got the cd and the vinyl. They're on their way.” She states and squeals with excitement, “I can't wait for June, it seems so far from now.” She adds with a sigh.

“Fair, but at least tour tickets go on sale at the end of the month. I swear, if he doesn’t take his shirt off at one of the shows I’ll cry. I’ve been to how many so far and still nothing!”

“You should have been at the one two summers ago. I didn't know I could scream that loud. He's so beautiful.” Y/F/N says in frustration. 

Flopping on to your desk, you let out a groan of frustration while Y/F/N just laughs, “It’s so unfair!”

“Y/N, seriously? What’s so great about Brandon anyway?”

“Okay, Parker. Number 1: It’s Brendon. Number 2: Have you seen him? He is a god among men.” Your smile growing bigger as you watch Peter scowl at your comment. “Call me crazy, Peter, but I can’t help but think you’re a bit jealous.” You look towards Y/F/N and bite your lip to keep from laughing out loud at the face she is making.

“Pft, ha, j-jealous? W-why would I be jealous of him?” Peter stutters out, visibly flustered. “It's not like he's a super talented rock star who my girlfriend is constantly talking about. Why would I be jealous?” Peter whispers only loud enough for you to hear.

“Peter, there is no reason for you to be jealous. Brendon is way out of my league anyway. Besides, you're the nerd that I fell for.” You say, kissing him on the cheek. “There's really no reason for you to be jealous okay?” You reassure him, looking down at the work you had abandoned.

Y/F/N looks at her paper and laughs quietly, it’s in a similar state to your with only a few done. “Well, I think it’s been a productive day.”

Laughing, you start to put your stuff into your bag, “I mean, I’m gonna fail this test either way. I have absolutely no clue what is happening in this class. It’s fine though, Brendon is more important.”

“So does that mean that you're up for meeting in the theater next block? You know, to work on the review. Definitely not to keep talking about our fictional boyfriends.” Y/F/N asks, shrugging her shoulders and giving you an awkward laugh. 

“Oh, definitely.” You say, nodding in excitement, “And then we totally won't watch Brendon sing Ducktales a thousand times.” You say, giving Peter an innocent smile and a wink as he gives you a judgmental stare.

“Y/N!” Peter whines as he catches your hand, you pull him behind you as the bell rings and you make your way to the door to go to your next class. 

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