p 2 ofGotta Catch Your Heart

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The morning sun peeked through the blinds of your bedroom window. Mornings were definitely not your thing. But then again, waking up in general, was just not your thing either. You groaned loudly sitting up straight your mind a grey blur. It felt like you were booting up a computer system after a week of not using it. There was a loud slow creak that came from the door with your Aunt peeking through it innocently as if she hadn't made a noise at all.

"Good morning kiddo, how'd you sleep last night hm?" She asked stepping into your room fully now. You tried to rub the drowsiness from your eyes.

"Like a rock," you confessed. If it hadn't been for the sun you probably still would have been asleep.

"Well I'd hope so," She folded her arms over her chest. "It is about 11:00 in the afternoon." Your eyes went wide.

"What??? no way!" You grabbed your phone that sat neatly on your nightstand. Shit. She was right.

"There's food downstairs, cold cuts, snacks, frozen stuff you know the drill," she said looking around her guest room with slight disdain. Your books and other tech seemed to be all over the place and it had only been a day of you staying. You saw her look back at you helplessly.


"Yeah I know, I'll clean it up today before we start on the yard again." You said. You could feel your face heat up slightly from embarrassment.

"Oh! Actually, I thought you might skip the yard work today unless you take your allergy medicine for once."

You grinned. "Hey, if that means no work then that sounds like a pretty great deal to me!" You said already reaching for your DS. You wondered how long it would take to get through the whole game in one day...

"Ah ah ah!! Not so fast my little hermit." she snatched your game out of your hands holding it high above her head.

"Alright, you win Auntie Kay..." You muttered shifting yourself out of bed. "What's on today's to-do list?"

" You're gonna walk the pooches today." You shrugged. "Easy peasy! I could do that!" You said confidently. "Oh really?" Aunt Kayla said her hands shifting on her hips. Oh no... you really did not like that look she was getting in her eyes just about now.

"Your Mom never let you have pets?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uh... I've had a goldfish before... but... I guess he had some issues because he jumped ship after day three." You said shivering to yourself. Not the brightest moment in your childhood.

Your aunt let out a soft chuckle. Was that nefariousness you sensed in her voice? Something shady was going on. "I'll give you the leashes after breakfast, or should we say lunch?"

"I'll go for lunch," You said heading for the bathroom. "I'm going for a shower!"

"Sounds good, I'll be downstairs." She said walking opposite of you.

Last nights events replayed in your head as you washed your hair out. You still couldn't believe you met Spiderman yesterday. Your thoughts stopped for a second. You couldn't believe you almost died yesterday.

Well, maybe he wouldn't have killed you... The optimistic side of your brain theorized. He could have been all talk!

"Yeah right," You muttered to yourself scrubbing away at your head. Whatever his capabilities were, you sure would not have wanted to find out. You stepped out of the shower and shuffled the towel through your locks. Either way, you were still grateful to the spider hero for his quick action. You were a hundred percent sure that you wouldn't have been able to have gotten things done as fast as he had.

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