Chapter 11

114 12 8

24 July 2014.

I enter the house just to smell something burning. I leave the door open and run to the kitchen, my first guess.

As soon as I step inside, my eyes lay on Harry who is bending right in front of the oven. His hair is messy, his face is covered with dirt and his eyes - for the first time - are not shining.

He turns to me and I want to ask him what happened. I want to be gentle and go help him. Or at least feel bad for the way he looks. But his sight is way too funny for me to do any of that.

I try to cover my smile. But when it turns into a laugh, it becomes impossible for me to do that.

I laugh for a few seconds while he is just standing there looking at me, madly.

"What happened in here?" I finally manage to ask in an unstopping laughter.

His face still as blank, with no emotions whatsoever, he opens his mouth taking a step towards me, and his voice is much louder than I expected that I am taken aback.

"What happened in here?! Really?!"

"Woah. Wait- " I try to calm him down but he cuts me off.

"Where the fuck were you?"

"Excuse me?"

"I said: Where. The. Fuck. Where. You?"

"You do not speak to me like that and you do not curse."

Harry lets out an angry laugh.

"Right. I am sorry. I need to apologize for how I speak. But it is fine for you to burn this whole place down. No need to apologize for that one, Lauren!"

Oh dear Lord. How could I forget?

"Oh my God. Harry." I come closer to him. Harry has every right to be mad. This is the second time I scare the hell out of him. This one specifically could have been deadly. I want to apologize and am not finding the way.

I take a towel and try to reach out for him but he steps away.

"Get the fuck away from me."

"I'm sorry, okay? Gees. Please stop cursing." I do not know how I am answering him. Deep down, I know if it was Harry who has made such a mistake, I would have punched his guts. But I try not to sound that ashamed.

"Enough with the cursing comments!" He yells. 

He walks past me and into his room. I hear the door being slammed harder than ever.

I close the main door before getting in my room to change, feeling guilty but refusing to show that to him. His ego level is already too high.

I clean the kitchen and throw away the chicken I had in the oven, extremely grateful that Harry came in here and turned it off.

Claire calls me to tell me that she wants me to go with her to a party. But I am in no mood for parties. So I say no.


"Hey." I say once he enters the house. He had been out for more than five hours and it got really late. But I refused to sleep before apologizing. I had decided I will only make our lives worse if I do not.

He looks as good as always with his tall figure and the black coat he always wears. It makes my ideas fly away for a few seconds before I catch them back.

He glares at me and continues his way inside.

I put my book down on the table and follow him. He stops. His hand is on the doorknob of his room but he's still looking away.

"Listen... I'm sorry. I truly am." I say.

He turns his head towards me. And something about his look tells me he is not going to answer.

"Where were you?" he asks, insisting on knowing the answer. Why?

"In the church... It's Sunday."


"I like that shirt on you." he finally says before opening the door and getting in.

It takes me a few minutes to comprehend what just happened. He asks where I was again, as if that is going to solve anything. And then he tells me he likes my shirt, out of the blue, still angry?

Considering what time it is, I think Harry must be drunk.

* Sorry for being late! I've been really busy and I'm really sorry!

- Yara :) x *

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