Chapter 22

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27 August 2014.

Ever since Sunday, everything is great. It is like my whole world turned from very stressful and tough last week to very calm and enjoyable this one.

I feel satisfied.

Since the past Monday and until the next one, the team and I are executing all the designs we finalized. During the execution, we have a lot of fun. Our favourite music is usually on. And each one of us is working alone on what he/she knows how to do best.

Steph and Marcus go back to the same people I met when I first got here. I guess it was a stressful time for all of us and am very willing and ready to move on.

I am still going home pretty late every day, but at least now I am working in a slow pace and calmly.

Claire is going to meet me home tonight.

When I go in to the house, Claire is sitting in the living room with Harry. When they see me, Harry gets up, says hi and leaves to give us some privacy, which we need. I want to know all about what she decided and what has been going on since Sunday.

"So," She starts. "I decided to give this relationship more time."

I jump in my seat happily.

She continues: "I called Liam on Sunday. Told him we need to talk. He picked me up and we went out for a walk. I told him how I honestly feel. I told him that I am now scared of this relationship. I am scared to keep falling for him more and more and for this not be reciprocated the same way. I am scared to give it so much effort and time and to end up not receiving anything in return. Or not being able to make him fall truly in love with me. I told him a thousand things that I am scared about. And I told him that I am most of all scared of losing him. And that is why, despite it all, I want to give this relationship a chance."

I dance in my seat, but only slowly. Claire is happy but she is indeed afraid.

"It will be fine Claire. I am sure Liam is not the type of a guy who would suddenly leave, or lead you on with nothing. If he wanted to quit, he had the chance to do that when you told him you loved him. But he wanted to stay. And that tells you a lot about how he is feeling towards you Claire."

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Qui risque rien, gagne rien."


"It's a French saying. It means, a person who risks nothing wins nothing."

"And Liam is a such a win, Lauren."


"So how is she?" Harry stops me before I enter my room. He is standing next to his.

Has he been eavesdropping?


"I was actually waiting to talk you."

"What's up?"

"So we have a football match on Sunday. A very important one with a prize and a trophy for the winning team. We've been in this tournament for a while and Sunday's the final."

"Nice. Good luck."

"Yeah. Thank you."

I keep looking at him waiting to hear the rest. Is there no rest?

"I was actually wondering if you would like to come. You know last time when you and Claire came and Louis was playing, it was actually pretty fun."

"Oh but Claire is away with Liam for the weekend. I don't think she can make it."

"You can sit with Zina. She'll be there."

"Is that what this is about? You want someone cheering for you as well?" I tease.

"You know, it would be nice." He answers laughing.

"Okay, Harry." I nod.

Each one of us turns around and enters the room and just before we close the doors,

"Goodnight Lauren."

His gaze and words strike me like an electrocuting wave. This is the first time Harry has wished me a good night.

I lie in bed wide awake.

What was that, Harry?

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