Chapter 9

149 12 18

22 July 2013.

I get back from work exhausted. Today, Marcus and I had looked into all the shutters and roofs. We also searched into old files to find some inspiration. Stephanie, as Marcus told me, was sick. So she did not show up. He had given me her number and I decided to call her right after I finish eating.

Harry is in his room, as always. His door is shut but a loud music can be heard from wherever you stand in the house. How is he managing to be in that room with the music so loud?

I take my phone right after I do the dishes and look for her name in my contacts.

Stephanie answers the phone directly.


Oh, she is so ill.

"Steph, it's me Lauren."

"Oh hey!"

Even her cheerful Hey can be barely heard.

"How are you doing? Marcus told me you were sick."

"Yeah. But I am used to it. Every time the weather changes, this happens to me. Anyway, I have taken my med and I should be better by tomorrow. I'll be at work don't worry."

"It is not work I am worried about. I was just making sure that you're doing okay."

"I am. Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I was thinking of passing by to check up on you. If you are okay with that. It will only be five minutes."

"Of course. I would love that! I will text you the address."

I take a fast shower, dress up and leave to Steph's place.

The five minutes that I was supposed to stay soon turn to a couple of hours. Steph would not let me leave. She enjoys my presence because she has been home all day, and says she is already used to seeing me everyday.

On my way back home, I stop at the shop Claire works at. To say Hi as well as to check if there is anything new and interesting.

"Lauren! Perfect timing! We need to talk." she says running towards me as soon as she sees me walking in.

"Sure. What's up?" I answer her excited.

"Not here!" she answers. She looks around "Let's go somewhere. Our casual coffee place."

"Sure. When?"


"But you're working."

"My shift ends in 10 minutes. Wait for me."

"I'll take a look around the place in the meantime then."

She smiles and leaves me to attend to other customers.

Ten minutes later, Claire and I walk out. I, normally, am holding a bag of two very cute tops that I bought.

Sitting in the same café we went to a couple of times already, Claire finally starts telling me what is so exciting.

"There's a guy."

A sentence that will never get old.

"We met like a month ago. He came in here, I mean, to the shop. A while ago. He looked so good and I ran towards him before anyone else starts helping him. He asked about my name, and I pointed at the pin on my shirt. He read it and said 'Cute' in a very sweet way. Then he said 'Liam' and we shook hands. He bought a few items and the girl at the cashier took his number to save it to the list of customers. But you know we have no right to take people's numbers from there. Ever since, I have been wondering if it worth getting fired for."

I laugh.

"Lucky for me, I did not have to steal the number. Because he came in today. I was almost fangirling from the inside when I first saw him. But I kept it in and I walked towards him. When I asked if I may help him, he answered 'Claire right?' and I pointed once again to the pin. And he said 'No, I remembered'. So I helped him around and when he was almost done I asked if he would like anything else and he said 'Yeah, sure, your phone number.'"

After the sentence 'Your phone number', Claire continues mumbling words that I do not quite understand. I do not stop her. It is indeed a cool story. She can be happy about it.

Holding my cup of coffee and taking a rest of fangirling, I recognize the car pulling off in the coffee shop's parking lot . I just hope this is not it.

"Oh shit." I say when I see Conall getting out of his driver seat, and Harry from the one next to him.

"What?" Claire asks confused about what had just changed my mood.

I nod towards the outside and she takes a glance and recognizes the two faces who were just about to come in.

Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Please don't -


Of course, Conall.

"And Claire?" he adds, looking impressed.

So they do know each other.

"Hey Conall." Claire says.

I smile at him. But Claire seems genuinely happy to see him.

"I didn't know you girls are friends." he does really look impressed.

"Oh we are." Claire answers.

After that, Claire and Conall talk about something that I do not listen to. I turn my face around and look for Harry, who I saw getting out of the car but who did not come to say Hi. I find him at the cashier, probably ordering for his friend and himself. He takes a couple of cups and looks left and right, probably searching for Conall. His eyes land on me and he immediately looks away just to see Conall next to our table. I turn my face and go back to the conversation.

"Mind if we join?" Conall asks when he sees Harry coming towards us.

Yes. Yes we do.

Claire pats on the seat next to her and nods. Harry takes the seat there and Conall turns over and sits beside me.

"Here is your cappuccino." he says giving Conall his cup. As I guessed.

The three of them start talking about the university they all go to. It turns out that Harry goes there as well. And that he too has only one year left there. I, having no idea about anything they mention, just sit listening.

I can feel Conall's gaze on me from time to time. But I ignore it.

"If you won't take mine. Would you give me yours?" Conall says, almost whispering to me.


"Can I have your phone number?"

"Okay." I give up. Conall is good looking. Very good looking, to be honest. But his actions are so repulsive. I do not see us going out, ever. Nevertheless, I take his phone and input my number in there. At that moment, Harry and Claire have stopped talking and are looking at me.

"What?" I say.

No one says anything.

A few seconds later, Harry takes out a cigarette and lights it. I should have known. He is exactly that type of guys. Of course, he smokes. How did I not figure that one out before? 

Harry literally holds my two most important pet peeves: tattoos and cigarettes. 

I wonder if the discovery of Harry's most annoying habits will continue for a long time. This is getting exciting.

"The moon really looks good." Claire says out of the blue, her head is turned outside.

"It only looks good from afar." I say.

"Sadly Lauren, most things only look good from afar, including people." Harry says right before he puts back his cigarette in his mouth and gets up.

What was that? Is he a poet now?

I shake the thoughts away. He is finally leaving.

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