Chapter 29

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"She wanted to say Hi but she's late for her reunion."

"What?" I ask Harry.

"Oh, Eva. I saw that you saw her through the window." Harry points at the window.

So I was not pretty good at staying out of his sight. Bad news. But the good news are, the woman was Eva. When I met her, she had a very long hair. And I did not see her for much time, it makes sense that I would not recognize her now.

"Oh yes, right. She got a haircut" I say.

"What was that?"


"That look. What was that?"


"Are you- was I... was I not supposed to see you peeping at the window?" Harry is smiling, wickedly.

"No, no. It's fine. I just." I cough. "I just didn't know you did see me."

"Yeah right.'" Sarcastically, for sure.

"Reunion?" I ask, interested.

"Yeah. With her old program buddies. She was in this program to learn chess. Pretty fancy program. International. For teenagers. They used to compete with each other. So a lot of times they used to fly her to another country to compete. She's made many friends from the program and, since they became eighteen and left, have been meeting once a year in a city that they choose. It is pretty wild if you ask me. Eva saves a lot of money to be able to do that. She got lucky this year she did not have to travel far."

"Indeed she did."

Impressive and unusual. How nice.

"And she has been doing these reunions for... ?" I continue.

"Well, as I said, since she was eighteen. So five years now." He answers.

"Oh. So she is 23 and you're like 24 now?"

"No. I'm 23 as well. Eva is my twin sister."

"Shut up! How nice."

Harry nods approving: "it is indeed very nice."

I am happy that the woman was Eva. But when I saw her, the memory of the crying girl leaving the house when I first got here came back to me.

"Harry, I want to ask you something. If you don't mind."


"When I first got here, I remember that one day I was coming home and there was this girl who you were talking to." I watch Harry's facial expressions as I talk and try to read them. Up until that sentence, I think he is confused.

"Then she was leaving, and I was coming so we crossed roads."

Harry is still confused.

"And I couldn't help but notice that she was crying."

I am waiting for Harry's facial expression to change but it doesn't. He is still... confused?

"She had reddish hair, short, umm.." I try to remember more about her but Harry's face already changed. He remembers.

"Oh right. That would be Ma-ri-a." Harry singsongs her name and stops for a second. There is no doubt in my mind that Harry knows I need more information, and he is only doing that because he is enjoying it.

I nod, as a signal for him to continue. But my phone rings. It is Claire.

"One second." I tell Harry.

Worst timing, Claire.

"Hey. So? Have you decided?" I ask, wanting to cut the conversation as short as possible.

Why did Harry singsong Maria's name?

"Sorry Claire, can you repeat that?" This time I will focus on Claire, I promise myself.

"Oh sure. I said, we called the centre and they said that they have many available rooms tomorrow. However, we need to be five members in the team because the whole thing is huge. He suggested that, if we are not able to find a couple more people, he could combine us with a couple of the list of people who are waiting."

"There is a list of people waiting? Who on earth would be okay with doing an escape room with people they know nothing about. It could ruin the whole experience. Also, the last thing I need is another couple. Two couples and me. That would be nice."

I see Harry let out a tiny laugh.

"What do you suggest?" Claire asks.

"One second, Claire I will call you back."

I end the call and turn to Harry.

"So, Ma-ri-a." I singsong jokingly and Harry laughs. "No, just kidding." I continue. "Will Eva be here tomorrow?"

"Yes. She's staying for a couple more days."

'Would you both be interested in going to an escape room?"

"I would. But I have to check with Eva. With Claire?" He asks.

"And Liam."

"She doesn't know them and barely knows you. But I will ask."

Can we go back to our topic now? Who's Maria?

Harry turns around and is about to leave the room.


Harry turns again and smiles.

"She's in on the project."

I wait for him to tell me more.

"Maria and I came up with the idea one day when we were studying. And we have been trying to implement it ever since. It has been almost a year now."

He turns to leave again, then he stops.

"Oh and, she was crying because that day we were turned down by a company. It was the first trial. But Maria is pretty sensitive. She cries easily."

Now I remember. Maria is the woman I saw in the cab the other day when Harry had his business dinner. It all makes sense now.

"Did I tell you that Conall and Zina are having trouble? I don't think they will last." Harry sits down again.

Harry and I spend some good time chatting. But when we stop at last, the atmosphere changes immediately. It is turning romantic with our glances and looks. And I am not ready for this. So I decide to go to bed. I am not sure if Harry will be okay with me running from this for so long. I know I need to sit down and make some decisions. But I just really do not want to do this tonight.

It breaks my heart when I leave Harry in the living room knowing he would have wanted me to stay, to talk, to open my heart. And I want to do that as well, but am finding it so hard.

Give me a little bit more time, Harry.

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