Chapter 23

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29 August 2014.

Claire and I spend the night talking about the beautiful weekend she and Liam have planned. She tells me how excited both of them are and how much they need it. She tells me that it has been going on pretty well lately. That although there is this constant fear inside of her, she is trying not to overthink it. And Liam is helpful in that matter because he's been, just like before, very nice and understanding.

Claire mentions that they are trying to make the best out of this weekend because it is the last before the start of the Fall semester. Classes will open on September 1st. Which means that Harry too will be back at college that day. Will I see him less then? Will he spend his days and nights at the campus, the way I used to? 

I leave from Claire's place a little early. I need to sleep because tomorrow, like every Saturday for a while now, I need to be at work. However, tomorrow should be smooth. I will be there alone. Marcus and Steph are almost done with their work; Monday is more than enough for them to wrap up. That is mainly due to the fact that I have more work as an executer than they do, I am pretty good at this and I enjoy it.

When I get home, Harry is on his phone in the living room. As soon as I come in, he puts it aside and looks at me. 

And he smiles.

And oh, that smile.

"Would you like to watch something?" he asks.

"I really need to sleep. I have to go to work tomorrow."


I smile. There is an awkward silence for few seconds.

"Well then, goodnight." I finally say.

I leave before he answers me. And I notice that he was not going to. A part me was waiting for that goodnight. And another part of me wanted to keep the 'goodnight' he said a couple of nights ago the only one I receive. Both parts were scaring the hell out of me.


30 August 2014.

I spend the day alone in the workshop. I work smoothly and enjoy every thing I am doing. At lunchtime, I eat my sandwich and skype with my parents. I have not been talking to them much lately due to everything that is going on. It will only be a month from now that I will be back home. 

I start thinking about how fast these 75 days passed. I have been here for 75 days now. It feels like I just got here. But it also feels like I have been here since forever. I know. It makes no sense.

When I think about leaving I think about living again in a very nice and vast apartment that is all to myself, without having to share it with someone. The thought feels bittersweet. I take my mind away by washing my hands and getting back to work.

At around 6:00 pm, I notice that I still need some time and I better take a short break.

I check my phone and notice a text from Harry at 5:36 pm.

I will be passing by NARAH on my way to the training at around 7. Let me know if you need anything.

It is sweet of him. I text him back that yes indeed I would appreciate it if he grabbed me anything for dinner. And I decide to push my break half an hour until my dinner is here.

And I knew that I could have ordered anything. But he asked. Which means he is concerned and would like to help. So why not?

Because you cannot be doing that, Lauren.


Because you know where this is leading you.

I talk to myself while working the whole time. At around 6:40 pm, Harry texts me.

Meet me at the door.

No one is allowed in unless they are employees. So Harry would not be able to make it upstairs. I wear my shoes -yes, I like to work barefoot- and my coat and go down.

I take the bag from him.

"Oh, Chinese. Not bad."

Harry smiles.

"Thank you Harry. I owe you one."

"I need to go, can't be late."

Harry leaves and I enter the building to go up to the workshop again. I arrive at the workshop and try to open the door but it seems locked. 

The workshop is a common space on most days. When teams like ours have a competition coming on or a fashion show, the room will only be unlocked with the team members' IDs. And today in the morning when I came in, I used my ID to open the door.

I try a few times then go to the security guard on the floor.

"Excuse me. I am trying to open Workshop 316 but my ID is not working although it is the same ID I used in the morning. Do you know what could be the problem? Or maybe would you have keys?"

"Sorry Madam, all workshops lock at 5pm on Saturdays."

"But I left everything inside and I still have work to finish."

"Sorry Madam. There is nothing I can do."

I get out of the building and sit on the nearest bench to eat my Chinese food. I hope I won't have to spend the whole night of Monday here after this. I get up and walk back home, leaving the car in the parking lot and the keys, inside my purse, all in the workshop.

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