Chapter 17

21 3 0

13 August 2014.

I come home very late. And although I am used to it by now, today however, I really needed to get here earlier. Claire and Liam are coming over for dinner.

Before changing into something more comfortable, I prepare everything that I will need for the dinner preparation. I chop some onions, boil some water, etc.

"Need a hand?" Harry asks, peaking from the door.

"Hi Harry."

"You're cooking again."

"Yes. Claire's coming to dinner with her boyfriend."

Harry raises his eyebrows. "Her boyfriend?"


He smirks. "Thought I was going to have the chance to taste this dish as well."

I shrug. And Harry turns to leave.

"You know what? Join us if you want."

I do not know if it was how proud I felt the other night when he enjoyed my food and wanting to feel that again. Or if it was that I hated him a little less when we were not hanging out alone. Or that I was going to be alone with a couple and I would feel third wheeling. Or even if I was just trying to break some ice. But I genuinely wanted him to say yes.

"It would be nice. But I have a business dinner tonight. I would be happy if you saved me some.'

Maybe this is better. I guess.

I nod and he leaves the kitchen. I turn around to ask him how comes he has a business dinner when he is still a university student, but he had already left and I could hear the door to his room being slammed.

I finish preparing the dinner and go to my room to shower and change my clothes. Harry is standing in front of his mirror, right opposite to my room door. He is putting on perfume. He has slim black jeans and boots on. I cannot see his shirt. He has a long black coat on top. He actually looks very nice. I can imagine how the meeting will go. As a person works in fashion, you can imagine what a nice outfit  can do to me.

"Lauren?" He asks when he sees me looking at him.

"Yes, um. I just wanted to tell you that I will save you some."

He nods happily, walks past me and out the door, his perfume filling the corridor. I walk after him and watch him from the window get into a cab with a girl. Her face is familiar, but I just cannot point it out. I snap myself out of my thoughts. What on earth just happened?

Claire and Liam arrive shortly afterwards and we enjoy a very nice and lovely dinner together. I do not feel awkward for being alone. It is like being with two friends instead of one. They enjoy the dinner very much and keep thanking me for it. When we are done, they get up to move into the living room. And I put aside what I saved for Harry and clean up the table quickly.

As Liam approaches the door, he turns back to Claire and I and mentions that he will be going outside for a smoke.

Why do I care if Liam smokes? He's not my boyfriend. Shut up sceptical Lauren.

"I'm okay with it." Claire says.


"I saw your look Lauren. And it is totally fine by me. So what if he smokes."

"Yeah. No. You're right. It is not a big deal."

"It is not."

Liam opens the door to go outside and notices keys in the outer side of the door. He looks ahead and Harry is standing there.

"I was trying to open that." Harry says. He reaches his hand out "Harry."

"Liam." Liam shakes his hand.

Claire shouts from the inside "actually Harry, Liam is going out to smoke, join him if you'd like."

"Oh no. Thank you. I'm actually trying to quit."

I turn my face around so that Claire does not see my look now. But, impressive.

Liam goes out and I put the wine they brought and some glasses in the living room and add a chair in case Harry wants to join.

Harry removes and hangs his coat -still looking very good- and sits in the living room with me and Claire.

Soon enough Liam rejoins us and we start talking about random things. Liam and Harry directly hit it off and I reassure myself: I do hate him less when there is someone else around.

When I close the door after they leave, I turn around and directly bump into Harry who's standing so close to me.

"What Harry? You scared me."

"Where is that food you saved me? The dinner was awful."

"Oh, here." I have to squeeze myself to move past him and into the kitchen. I put the platter in the microwave.

"The dinner as in the food, or the business?" I ask.

"The whole dinner. Please don't ask."

I raise my hands in defence and leave the kitchen. I guess I won't know anything tonight about this business. But who cares now? I really need to get some sleep.

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