Chapter 48

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After I left Liam and Claire, I went to the car rental place and dropped back the car. Then I went back home and started packing a few things until Harry arrived.

"You will not believe what I have planned for you."

Harry is so excited about this night that we are spending together. I asked him a thousand times and he insisted that we will be staying home. What has he planned at home?

"Get your PJs on too. It will be completely chill."

Okay, Harry. Always very unique. I do not know what to expect. But I am happy that Harry is trying to give me a good time tonight.

I shower and put on one of Harry's hoodies, the one we agreed I will be taking home with me.

"But Harry, tell me first." I say while brushing my hair. "How was today's meeting?"

Harry had yet another meeting with the same company. Things are progressing for him.

"It was great. We will be signing a contract next week."

"I cannot believe you didn't tell me that as soon as you got home!" I punch him, not knowing how else to express my enormous happiness at the news.

"This is not what matters now."

"Of course it matters." I punch him again.

"Ow. Okay. Stop. Sorry."

Next week, Harry will be signing the contract he has been waiting for. Will I know about it when he does? Will I get the news? Will I share his joy?

I do not know.

"Now come sit down." he says.

We sit together in the living room and Harry turns the TV on. My first guess is that his special night involves watching an episode from the series that we always watch together, and perhaps order pizza and chill.

PJs and TV. What else can it be?

"Before we watch TV, you have to know that I prepared you my special baked potatoes tonight."

I laugh.

"I prepared, not cooked." he winks.

"Alright, alright." I say nodding.

"So wait for me here. And do not press on anything." he says leaving to the kitchen.

So I guess we are not watching our series. Otherwise he would have been okay with me pressing play.

My second guess would be a good movie. Maybe a movie that means something to him.

Harry finally comes in.

"I see you prepared more than just your special baked potatoes." I say when I see him holding another bowl in his hands.

"Not really. I bought this salad on my way home to be honest." he admits laughing.

When Harry sits down next to me, he gives me a quick kiss, not wanting to waste any more time. He presses on the play button and starts the movie.

Except, it is not a movie.

It is... an old movie?

What is it?

And then it hits me. I feel so stupid I start laughing so much.

In front of me, on the TV screen, is an old footage of the street. The footage seems from a shop right in the opposite side of the street. The sidewalk in front of the house, the entrance as well as the windows are very clear and are right in the middle of the view. My direct thought is that the footage is from the cameras next to the barbershop in front of our place.

"Oh my God." I open my eyes wide. I can feel Harry's gaze on me. But I cannot turn away yet. I look at the date on the screen.

15 July 2014 / 16:58:30.

My cab is pulling in front of the house.

"No way." I exclaim.

I watch myself on the screen. I looked so nervous. You can see it in the way I was walking.

"And here is when you wait a minute, to be very precisely punctual." Harry is describing what I am looking at.

"And this is you probably taking a nap and making me wait for almost three minutes before opening up." I continue narrating.

"I had a high fever that day, for your information, and had spent my morning at the hospital. Probably due to my COPD, as we recently figured."

That explains the mess. After that first day, Harry was never really a messy guy, now that I am recalling.

"Okay and in you go." Harry says when I walk in the house.

"That was my death trap."

Harry laughs.

17 July 2014 / 16:00:12

There is me, getting out of the house.


There is Harry arriving. Ringing the doorbell. Once, twice. Knocking on the door. Then giving up and sitting at the doorsteps.

I turn to Harry and start laughing.

"Laugh all you want. That was just mean." he says. He fastforwards until 17:12:03.

There is me coming back. A little fight. Harry gesturing with his hands left and right and I, walking straight trying not to answer him.

Harry and I laugh so hard watching this.

The footage continues as we eat our dinner. We pass by the day when Maria left crying and how I arrived a few seconds later, when I was so mad at him and left at night to take a walk, the night I came back at 2:00am from Manchester. The night I had a date, and how Harry was peeping from the window. The night Liam and Claire came to have dinner with me here.

Every single night. Each one of them very important, very essential and contributing to what happened later. To the outcome that is us. 


Pictures in necklaces.

Dresses. Songs. Memories.

My heart aches.

Why does this love have to be in everything else, except our reality?

It seems like my fate Harry to carry you in my heart, in my dreams, in my ideas, in my feelings. It seems like my fate to carry you everywhere else, except with me.

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