Chapter 14

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7 August 2014.

I come home from work late for the third time this week. Stephanie was not kidding when she said things will be tougher. I am tired and I really do not feel like preparing dinner. I think I will order something. 

I come into the house. Harry's here. I do not see him yet. But he is here, it shows. 

I pass by him taking a nap in the living room and continue to my room. Something about the fact that he is back makes me feel tranquil. He is fine and soon he will get back to his normal life.

I order a couple of sandwiches. I definitely need two after this day.

when the delivery guy rings the bell, it awakens Harry. And because I am in the bathroom, Harry reaches the door earlier. 

He takes the bag, gives the delivery man the money, closes the door and turns back. I look at him and his face removes any tranquillity I felt. It reminds me of the first day we met. 

He hands me the bag and continues right past me to his room. 

"Um, thanks?"

He does not hear it. Or maybe he hears it but keeps walking anyway. 

Just when I thought things were getting better here. Great.


I leave Harry the money I owe him for my dinner delivery next to his room door and go out. I decide I need some fresh air.

Claire is on a third date with Liam so going out with her was not an option. And I need some time alone anyway.

I do consider myself an extrovert. But I am also fond of calmness and peacefulness. Sometimes one cannot feel truly at peace unless they spend some time alone. I have founded most of my beliefs sitting alone somewhere nice. I like it.

I go to the closest shore for the Thames. I grab tea from a nearby kiosk and I sit on a bench. I like to read, but today I do not feel like particularly reading. I just want to think.

My phone rings after a short while.


"Oh hello, Lauren. How are you?"

"Good, how about you?"


Awkward silence. Then he continues:

"Look, I was wondering if we could maybe get together sometime."

I cannot say this is unexpected, but I was really hoping it does not happen.

"Listen, Conall. I am currently sitting on a bench near our place. Why don't you come and we can talk?"


"Yes." I would rather finish this soon than to drag it on. "I'll send you the location."



"Hi Conall. All good?"

"Yes, yes."

Another awkward silence that I directly break. I like to think I am good at doing this.

"Listen. I told you to come down now because I want to be honest with you and I do not want to drag this on."

His facial expression changes. He knows exactly what I will be saying next.

"I have a lot of fun with you, truly. But I do not want to take this further than that."

He is still silent.

"You're Harry's bestfriend. So you know avoiding me will not work. That is why I think we need to keep this the same. If you don't mind, of course."

He is silent for one more minute.

"Sure. I understand."

And the expression on his face changes again. He seems... okay.


When I get back at almost midnight, Harry is sleeping in the living room, again.

With a living room as small as this one, if one person -as tall as Harry is- is sleeping, there is simply no comfortable way for another to be there. I just wish Harry took that into consideration.

Well, anyway, I will not let this bother me. In fact, I feel pretty happy. I got the alone time I needed. And Conall and I unexpectedly spent some quality time after I told him I was not interested in going out together. 

As I go into my room, I notice that the money I left Harry are still next to his door. 

I shake my head and go to sleep. What an unexplainable man he is.

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