Chapter 14: Yoko vs. Nashi

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Nashi P.O.V

I looked directly at Yoko with a dark smirk. "Sorry Nashella but I hate your guts" Yoko laughed darkly" Ill give you a fight a fight were I have all the rules".

"Okay, This could be fun" I said with a smile. "Get Her" Anastasia screamed. I nodded and Angel smiled. "Don't hold back" Mi screamed.

Both of us got into fighting position.

"Ready Set Go" Yelled Master.

Yoko turned to a bird and to take my eyes balls but, I dodge. One again she did the same but I was "Talent of fire dragon" I said cut of her wings. She was she can't dodge." Roar of Fire Cesitial Dragon" I canted she tool the attack head on. I was going to finish it but ...... My body just won't move.

Yoko P.O.V

Seriously, she's that stupid. I thought she would think 1 year I would change. The magic that I used is to freeze her body.

"Wow, Nashella I thought you would smarter than that" I said frowning. "Now I could touter you or kill you right on the spot". Then the moon came out she wasn't even paying attention to me just starting at it......... Why?

Nashi POV

I was looking at the moon because I just heard voices.Then some thing in my heart just unlock it's self. Then I started to walk toward the moonlight and I started to walk on air.

Luna P.O.V

Nash started to walk on air. She was going toward the moon light then when it hit her she transformed. Her hair was white and her eyes were gold wearing white flow dress that looked like it was from moon. But that can't happen right.

Nashi P.O.V

I felt weightless but powerful. "Roar of the Moon Dragon" I said. Yoko was TKO in one attack. I went back to normal and fell on the ground from above. I fainted

Time Skip~ Next Day

I woke up bed in the infirmary. "What happen" I asked as I put my head up. "You kind turned into a moon dragon slayer" Anastasia answered. "What and How" I muttered. "We have bigger problems" Anastasia said biting her finger nails.

"What" I said almost falling off the bed. "We have to go to school" She screamed. "But were home school" I said relaxing a bit. "No, they made a academy well we were gone and were going to magic high" She yelled.

"EH" I screamed.












Hey guys I need your help who should Luna end up with. And Nashi.

.Rouge son

.Sting son


.Leo son

Or anyone one















Next Chapter: Magic High

I hope you enjoyed

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