The Romantic Gesture

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According to Pidge, I was out for a couple days from performing the ritual on the Balmera. I had no recollection after what happened back then. Unlike the princess, I wasn't able to hold out after being released from the Castle's energy, causing me to become unconscious right away. They've taken me to the healing pod for a few hours, then let me rest in my room.

All I've been doing since I woke up was thinking about the strange dream, if I could even call it that, with King Alfor and my realization that I was Altean. Even up until now, I found it hard to believe that I was Altean. I mean, it was just a dream when I thought it real, but the more I thought about it, the more I doubted myself. I haven't talked to anyone about it, let alone the princess or Coran who probably would know more about this than I do.

The question is, will they even believe me when I look perfectly human? I didn't have pointed ears or have the marks under my eyes, for sure it would be unbelievable for them. I don't even know if I believe it myself; I'm going to go insane.

The halls of the castle were hushed, and I couldn't find anyone. I searched the rooms; no one. I checked in the lounge area; the same thing. I checked up in the bridge deck, no one was around. Not being able to bump into anyone gave me the chills as I walked down the dim lit halls. There was something eerie in the air.

I couldn't help but feel a little spooked walking around the empty halls. Even though I've been inside this castle ship for a long while, this was the first time I felt like something was strange around this place; as if there was something different in the air. It was as if I was in a haunted house, or castle slightly.

"Athena!" a voice startled me, causing me to jump and hold on to my chest. I turned around and saw Coran on the other end of the hallway, waving at me. I let out a sigh of relief, seeing the familiar face. Behind him was Lance with a glum expression on his face, "Sorry to have startled you."

"No worries. Where are you two going?" I asked.

"We're going to clean up the sleeping pods!" Coran replied happily. Lance let out a groan, "And this one is joining me with the chores."

I looked over Coran's shoulder and smirked at Lance, "Wow, Lance is helping out to do chores for once? That's impressive."

Hearing that, Lance straightened up and walked past Coran. "Well, if that impresses women, then I'm all for doing chores," He snickers with a wink.

I rolled my eyes, "Stop it, Lance." I looked over to Coran, "Oh yeah Coran, I have something to tell you, but I would like to talk in private." The faster I got this out to Coran and Allura, the better I would feel about telling the rest.

"Why can't I be in this conversation?" Lance whined.

"You'll get to know later. Right now isn't a good time," I replied. "If it makes you feel better, Keith doesn't know either." Lance's eyes lit up as soon as I said that.

"Okay, I'll go ahead and 'clean' the pods, Coran." Lance held his hands up as he quoted the word clean before he walked down the hallway and down to the infirmary.

Coran turns to me with his cheery expression, "What seems to be the urgency, Athena?"

"I just wanted to get your opinion on something," I replied. "What are the chances of an Altean, other than you and the princess, surviving Zarkon's wrath?"

Shock filled Coran's face as I brought up the question. I was curious, so he was going to say and figure out what kind of reaction he would have if I were to confess my new round revelation. I mean, if it was actually possible.

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