The Missing Lion

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"What do we do?" Hunk asked.

I gritted my teeth as I tightened my grip on the levers, "We need to form Voltron and take Athena back."

Allura then popped onto my dashboard. "But we were not able to form Voltron the last time we've tried," She says with a worried expression on her face.

"We have to keep trying," I insisted, knowing this was our only way to get out of here and take Athena back. "We may have come here fragmented and disorganized, but the only way we're getting out of here is if we work together. This is our team. Shiro believed in us, so we have to believe in ourselves. Who's with me?"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered as we started to make a move, going into the formation in the sky.

"Form Voltron!"

In a matter of seconds, there was this force that was drawing our lions together was we flew side by side. This time, it was actually working. Our lions started to assemble, becoming the parts that were supposed to be. This was the first time I was formed as a head, which was an unusual feeling when I was so used to being the right hand of Voltron.

"Hunk, I'm a leg!" Allura cries out in joy as we were flying up from the planet's gassy atmosphere.

"Pretty cool, right?" Hunk responded.

When we emerged from the clouds, we were met with the Galra. Immediately, they started firing at us. As the head, I piloted Voltron to evade those shots. Although the controls on the Black Lion are different from Red's, it felt as if the lion was guiding my every move.

From a distance, one of the battlecruisers was ready to launch a bigger cannon, point it our way. It wasn't long after a second when it fired, I held on to my controls, "Pidge, get ready to hold onto the shield," I said as I activated the shield that was formed by the two attachments on the Black Lion.

As soon as it formed, Pidge grabbed hold of it with her lion, blocking the attack just in time. There was a lot of force pushing us back, but we held on. Slowly, we started to control where the offense was going as it deflected off the shield. Because the power was bouncing off the shield, we slowly moved the shield so it would go in a different direction, taking out majority the Galra fleet and one other battlecruiser in the process.

After eliminating most of the ships, we headed straight for the main battle cruiser that had shot at us. "Are you guys ready?" I asked, referring to Lance and Pidge.

"On it," Pidge replied.

"Let's do this," Lance chimed in.

It wasn't long until they formed the sword. Hunk and Allura activated their boosters, propelling us across space to get to the cruiser. We flew to the battle cruiser's side, impaling a small area of the ship and pushing it through. Just like that, the cruiser blew up after we made it to the other end.

"We did it!" Lance exclaims.

"We're not done yet," I said as I turned Voltron around, seeing Lotor's main cruiser flying the other direction. "We still need to save Athena."

We activated the boosters again, heading towards Lotor's ship. Knowing that we were trailing behind, the enemy cruiser turned around and shot at us. We braced ourselves with our shield, taking on the hits as we continued to move forward. It was when they stopped firing when we were about to attack, but the unexpected happened; they opened up a wormhole.

"Atha!" Allura screamed out as we were approaching them.

"No!" I yelled as I tried to reach the ship before it went through the portal. It was too late. They entered the wormhole, immediately closing it off before we could even reach them. My heart sank realizing that I had lost Athena and that she was captured by Lotor.

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