The Rescue

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The unknown object dug into the Balmera's surface, opening up as the paladins braced themselves. It was a massive beast. Unlike the first one that Voltron faced, this Robeast was uglier than the first and had a chameleon-like appearance. Suddenly, we watched the beast attack Voltron with a powerful green light, pushing him back.

Voltron managed to dodge the beam and swiftly move forwards to the Robeast. The beast and the paladins battled it out, but it looks like the paladins are not on the winning end. They were struggling to even touch the creature without getting hit.

"We need to help them," I said, watching Voltron being pushed back by the Robeast's attacks as he shields himself.

"We might not have enough power after getting hit by the Galra with its cannon," Coran said in a panic. "If we want to use one of our blasters, we would need to take down the particle barrier."

"Don't worry, we should have enough to do some damage to that Robeast," Allura spoke up. "Get the blasters ready to fire. We will need to time ourselves properly." We hid amidst the clouds, seeing the Lions separate from each other.

As soon as they disbanded, the beast extended its arms and started aiming at the Lions. My eyes widened, seeing the Robeast shooting at different directions trying to take down one of the Paladins.

"What do we do? It's like we're fighting against an entire fleet at once!" Pidge said.

"I think we need to aim for its eyes to take them out," Keith replied as his lion swiftly evaded the green beams of light.

"We'll cover you guys from here," I replied as I started to type in the coordinates to lock onto the robotic beast.

"Now!" the princess called out once the target was locked. The blast stopped the Robeast temporarily, turning an eye at us. With no warning, it shot at the castle as well.

"Ugh," I groaned as the castle shook. The lights were still flashing red as more errors started showing up on our screens. "Allura, we need to get out of the way before---"

At that moment, the Robeast attacked us with its multiple blasters, weakening the particle barrier. "We've lost the spectral generator!" Coran exclaimed as red screens appeared in front of him. "Going to reserve! There's a fire in bay three! Suppressors on! Suppressors out!" He was panicking as he saw the barrier's levels drop immensely.

"Allura, we need to pull back or else the castle will fall apart." I turn to the princess.

"But we can't leave them," She replies as we encountered another hit.

"Princess, pull back and get out of its firing range!" Shiro commanded through the communicator.

"We will not abandon you," Allura replies.

"You're not abandoning us. We're pulling back anyway," Shiro said. "We can't hold out. Lions, head into the mine shafts. It's the only place where the Robeast can't get us." I looked at Allura, waiting for the next command.

"We're heading back to orbit," Allura replies. Coran and I started to pull back and bring us back into space.

As soon as we were out of range, I turn to look at the princess. There was a worried expression on her face as she looked like she was deep in thought, "What's wrong Allura?"

Allura sighs, "Where does Zarkon get all these beasts from? And how does he know where to find us?" Thinking back at it, this was the second time that Zarkon had sent his Robeasts to attack Voltron. It was mysterious seeing all these creatures come after us, so it made me think as well, wondering where Zarkon found these beasts.

Loving You to the Stars and Back // Keith x OC //Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt