The Great Chase

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"My family is all I need. No one will get in my way. If anyone dares, I will make sure that they'll disappear for eternity. Even if you try to stop me, I will get rid of everyone close to you, and you will be left with nothing just as I have experienced. Voltron has taken away my family, and I'm willing to take yours!"

It was unexpected that Honerva would even speak to me even after what had happened back on Oriande. I turned my back on her, not wanting to be part of her scheme, yet she took my mother's life. That was my consequence for not going her way, and now, Honerva was threatening me that she would take the people closest to me.

It wasn't like I doubted Voltron's capabilities to defeat Honerva. I was just paranoid about what she could do before all of this is over. I can't imagine losing my friends, my sister, and Keith all in one go. If anything, this was probably how Honerva felt as soon as she came to her senses and realized that her family is gone.

We made it through the wormhole, finding ourselves in another reality that was on the verge of collapsing. There were buildings intact, but its surroundings started to disintegrate.

"Is this...?" Allura uttered as I looked around.

"It's an alternate Altea," Pidge spoke up.

"And it looks like this reality is crumbling, just like ours!" Lance added on. Just as Lance had mentioned, this world was collapsing in front of our eyes. What was strange was that it was falling apart much more quickly than our own reality.

"Guys, how come it's disintegrating so quickly?" I looked around, searching for Honerva when I looked at the dark, gloomy sky. There, I saw another opening where Honerva might have created while searching for her family.

"Those wings created some sort of cosmic tunnel in one blast," Pidge brought up as a diagram appeared on my screen. I analyzed the chart, seeing the same levels of energy from Honerva's Robeast before she went through the tunnel. "The rift must lead directly to the reality Honerva's looking for."

"And any reality that those wings bore through is falling apart," Shiro added on.

"We have to keep going," Keith says.

I push my controls forward, contributing to the giant mech's movements to follow Honerva's trail. As we travel through realities, I could feel my gut churning from all of the anxiety. I've never been this tense before.

We reached another reality, seeing another Altea start to fall apart. My jaw slowly drops as I watched this world crumble, only leaving the portal straight ahead. "All these innocent lives," I murmured as the world below us get consumed into nothingness. "There's no end to what Honerva will do."

"She's willing to tear apart the lives that live in these realities to get what she wants," Allura added. I could sense the frustration in her voice as I watch the scene before me take place.

"That's why we need to stop her," Shiro replied.

The newly upgraded Voltron activated its thrusters as we headed for the portal, hoping to catch Honerva. "Even then, I fear that Honerva has started a chain reaction that could never be undone."

As soon as we made it out, I saw clear blue skies and scattered clouds. As I had a glimpse of an untouched reality, something came flying towards us, hitting Voltron straight on. The impact sent us backward, causing us to scream at the unexpected attack.

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