The Superweapon

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With the help of Voltron, Lotor, resumed the throne of the Galra Empire, lighting the Kral Zera with ease. I still felt uneasy with the fact that Lotor was still working with the Paladins, let alone being the sole Emperor of the Galra Empire. Allura and the rest of the Paladins were easily persuaded with Lotor after he had given them helpful information to release planets that were under his father's reign.

"Maybe you should give him a chance, Athalia," Keith said as we both walked down the halls of an abandoned Galra base. "He's been helping the coalition out from many angles, and now that he is the new Emperor of the Galra Empire, it might give us the advantage to do more than we could do alone."

"I guess so," I murmured as I thought about Romelle and the other Alteans that were left on that isolated chamber in the Quantum Abyss. The vision of Bandor looking gaunt trying to breathe in his last moments in Romelle's arms was engraved in my mind knowing that there was something that Lotor hasn't spoken up about.

"Athalia," Keith's soft voice called out to me once more as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know this isn't easy for you to easily follow Lotor, not after what you had gone through, but he's on our side now. There is nothing to worry about." I looked up to meet with Keith's dark purple eyes.

His gentle gaze caught me off guard for a moment, making it seem like I was falling into some sort of trance. I could see it within Keith's eyes how genuine his words were, just like last time when he confessed his love for Athena.

For some reason, there was this force that wanted me to move closer to Keith. My heart raced like crazy as I continued to look deep into Keith's eyes. He probably feels it too. At this point, all I wanted him to do was kiss me, and I didn't know why. I couldn't understand my own feelings and why I was feeling this way.

"Do you trust me?" Keith asks as he moved in closer. My cheeks started to blush as I averted my eyes from him.

"Yes," I replied, not wanting Keith to see my blushing cheeks. Keith placed his finger under my chin, lifting it up so that we could make eye contact. I immediately wanted to pull away, but I was rendered helpless just by looking at his tender eyes. Out of nervousness, I shut my eyes tightly knowing what was going to happen next.

Seconds passed by, and nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see Keith smiling at me with this soft expression on his face. "Relax a little, won't you?" Keith asked as he reached out for my cheek. "I don't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable, so you don't have to force yourself."

I shook my head with his hand still on my cheek. "It's not that I'm uncomfortable," I replied. "I'm just a little nervous."

"Don't be," Keith says as he leaned in closer. "I told myself to hold back, but I can't help it when you look like that." Was he referring to my worry about working with Lotor?

Whatever it was, I looked away from Keith for a moment. "Do what you like," I replied before looking back into his purple eyes. Keith warmly smiles at me and plants a kiss on my forehead.

Following that kiss was another one. This time, Keith's lips landed on mine. It was warm and gentle, just the same as his hands were on my cheek and my arm. My body tensed up at the sudden kiss, only to relax seconds later as if I was melting within his grasp.

The kiss was much longer than I had thought initially, but I didn't care. This was what I wanted despite having to have denied my feelings since I started working with the Blade of Mamora.

We broke apart, leaving a few inches between us as we gazed into each other's eyes. "Thank you for helping me back there, Athalia," Keith spoke as he rested his forehead on mine. "If you didn't take down that Galra's sword, I would have been injured, if not worse," I remembered that moment when the female Galra was about to give her final blow to end Keith once and for all, but I managed to knock her weapon out of her hands before he could attack her once more.

Loving You to the Stars and Back // Keith x OC //Where stories live. Discover now