The Wavering Thoughts

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I started digging deeper into my roots for the past couple of months, following the ways of Lotor as he had shown me the ropes of being part of the Galra Empire. He started to open up about his plans, going more into detail of what he wants to happen and no one else seems to know about it - not even his generals understood what was on his mind. Maybe it was because we were blood-related and so that is why Lotor was getting more comfortable telling me these things.

As I continued working alongside Lotor, I had days where I would be hearing this soft voice calling out to me and nights where I would have strange, but realistic dreams. I had no idea if they were any way related to each other, if they lead to my past, or if I was still being delusional.

There was a sense of urgency to find out what was going on with me. I can't keep living like this, pretending that all of these things that were happening doesn't exist. It came down to the point where I wanted to tell Lotor about it, but whenever I had my gut telling to talk to him, Lotor would often be too busy to give me the time.

As I was thinking about this, I turned over to my side and saw the armlet sitting on my bedside table. The light was dim, but the stone that the armlet contained shone in the dark.

Every now and then, I would hear the same voice say something as I put it over my uniform, telling me not to put it on. Of course, I brushed it off like it was nothing. Besides, it was too pretty not to where. But as I look at it now, I start wondering why that voice would try to stop me from where such a beautiful accessory?

Not being able to sleep, I immediately got up from my bed and look at the armlet lying there on my bedside. As pretty as it was, I started to have questions of my own wondering about it. It was under a particular circumstance from my cousin, Lotor, but now I can't help but think there is more to it than just a friendly gift.

I walked out of my room and decided to take a stroll around the ship to get these thoughts out of my mind. It was Acxa's turn today to fly the ship while everyone was resting so maybe it would be a good time to pass by and have a small chat with her. Ever since I got here, I felt closer to Acxa more than I did with the other generals.

"Hey Acxa," I said as I walked into the cockpit of the ship.

"Athalia, you are still awake?" Acxa replied as she looked over her shoulder for a few moments before looking facing her front.

"I couldn't go to sleep," I shook my head as I took a seat by one of the stations, making myself comfortable.

"I assume that there is something on your mind?" She asked. The thought of the armlet that has been the center of all my thoughts for the past couple hours.

"Yeah," I sighed as I leaned back into my seat, "It's about the armlet that Lotor gave me." Acxa remained silent, waiting for me to tell her more about what was on my mind. A part of me was telling to tell all that was on my mind in one go, but another part of me is telling me to be cautious of what I say to Acxa, "I was wondering if you know anything about the armlet? As the right-hand of Lotor, I would assume you would know his reasoning behind this."

Acxa remained silent for a short while before she spoke up, "Honestly, I was kind of surprised that Prince Lotor has given that armlet to you," She said, "Even though you are related by blood, I didn't think that he would give you a gift so soon. Prince Lotor isn't really the person to give out so generously, even those who are close to him."

"Why is that?" I asked curiously.

"Let's just say he has a lot of things he wants to get done and over with. Prince Lotor doesn't have enough time to think of everyone else." As Acxa talks more and more about my cousin, the more I started being aware of how sketchy he can be. It was unusual that he would give me a beautiful accessory, yet he hasn't done any for his generals. Lotor makes them work hard, but I haven't seen him provide them with any sort of token of gratitude. Was it because I was related to him? 

Loving You to the Stars and Back // Keith x OC //Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ