The Blade of Mamora

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We watched Voltron take on the robeast from the sidelines, seeing how powerful Zarkon's creations were. The Paladins were doing whatever they could to stop the beast, but their plans were often foiled by the robeast. It even attempted to take in the ship as a whole, but Voltron pushed the creature away and into the xanthorium clusters. That didn't stop him.

"The shield can't handle this much power!" I heard Pidge talk through the communicator as the robeast shot a powerful attack at Voltron. "It's too strong! I don't know how much longer we can hold this."

Voltron was pushed back by the impact. "We might not be strong enough to beat this thing," Hunk added as Voltron was trying to drive away from the beast.

Something popped up on my screen saying that there was a foreign object coming our way. I took a closer look, seeing that it was the same craft that Ulaz left with. 

Could it be?

I turn to the princess, "Allura, it looks like Ulaz is coming back." Allura turned and looked at me with a confused expression on her face. Her brows knitted as if she didn't want to believe what I was saying.

"He might have called more of Zarkon's troops to take down Voltron," she growled. "We need to get ourselves ready."

"That doesn't seem to be the case, princess," Coran jumped in. "From what the castle is detecting, Ulaz came here by on his own."

I pulled up my screen to contact Ulaz as he was approaching Voltron. His face appeared on our screen once we were able to get a hold of him. "Ulaz, what are you doing here. We thought you left us," I asked.

"I have an idea. Voltron is too valuable to lose, so I'm going in there to help the Paladins," Ulaz replied.

"How?" Allura still sounded aggravated to be talking to a Galra who disappeared on us in the middle of battle.

"You will see when it happens," Ulaz ends the conversation, turning off the transmission, and flew past Voltron, going head on towards the robeast.

"He can't possibly be thinking..." From where we were, we watched the Galra go straight into the beast's mouth as a sacrifice instead if Voltron. My jaw slightly dropped seeing what Ulaz was about to do. "No!" 

The robeast took him, closing his mouth before attempting to fire at Voltron. Nothing had happened when he was swallowed up by the beast, only for it to advance towards Voltron. Did his sacrifice go in vain?

The beast was speeding forward as Voltron prepared itself for battle until it took an abrupt halt halfway through. All of a sudden, the robeast started to collapse from the inside. That was when it clicked in my mind the reason why he took down the gravity generator, "He opened up the space pocket from the inside!"

Just like that, the robeast crumbled from the inside, resulting in combustion of purple light.


I stood near the screen and stared at the xanthorium clusters in front of the ship, thinking about what had happened. I guess it was true that the members of the Blade of Mamora were real warriors, defending what they believed was right. Ulaz sacrificed himself to save Voltron and that in itself meant a lot.

Footsteps walked towards my direction as I continued to stand there, "Mind if I join you?" I turn to see Shiro standing beside me. He had a warm smile on his face, but his eyes were telling me a different story. I could see grief and sorrow in Shiro's dark eyes.

"I don't mind at all," I replied as I looked back at the window. "I didn't expect Ulaz to do that at all. I thought he ran away from the situation, but he did that only to come back to lay down his life."

Loving You to the Stars and Back // Keith x OC //Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu