The Evacuation

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"Athena? Is everything alright?" I hear a sleepy voice beside me, causing me to turn to see Keith lying on his side. It took a couple of seconds for my mind to process why he was here, realizing that we had fallen asleep together on his bed. Warmth crept up to my cheeks seeing the situation I was in, checking myself to see if I still had clothes on.

"I-I'm fine..." I muttered under my breath. "I'm just flustered that we're in the same bed."

A small smile appeared on Keith's face as he hoisted his arm and used it as support for his head. "You're the one who fell asleep in my arms," He teased.

My jaw slightly dropped. "All I can remember was you hugging me, and I returned it back. Are you sure I was the first one to fall asleep?" Keith nodded his head as he playfully raised a brow, "No way."

"Yes way," Keith replied. "Come here," He said as he reached out to me with his free hand, pulling me back onto the bed. I let out a small squeal as I fell right beside Keith, finding myself up close to his face.

I couldn't keep my eyes off his, seeing the tinges of purple in his eyes as he looked back at me. My heart raced, pounding against my chest as I continued to look deep into his eyes. It was when I caught myself taking a peek at his lips as he inched a little bit closer,  I just wanted to hide. Keith's arm wrapped around my body, pulling me close to feel his warmth. It was comforting rather than awkward. If anything, I could get used to being held like this by Keith.

Not able to handle the way Keith was looking at me, I buried my face into his chest as I felt my cheeks burn. Keith let out a laugh, "What are you doing?"

"Hiding," I replied.


"I'm starting to get embarrassed," I refused to look back up to him. Never did I imagine myself being this close to Keith, let alone getting cozy with him like this. This was all new to me.

Keith let out a happy sigh as he positioned himself below me, making himself more comfortable before stroking my hair, "I didn't think you would be cute and vulnerable like this. You always had a strong personality. Always friendly, warm-hearted, and bright. It was as if you could never be phased by a simple romantic gesture, but I guess I was wrong."

I looked up at Keith, seeing a smile on his face with his eyes closed. "I'm new to this, this whole relationship thing." It sounded as if I was a child, whining and making excuses about how this is just my first time though it was true. "I've never really felt like this towards anyone."

Keith looked down at me in surprise, "Really?" he asks as if this was new news to him, "You always had guys coming after you and not once did you ever felt like this?" I shook my head, knowing that my feelings for Keith were genuine. I would have crushes before, but I've never felt the same way as I did towards Keith. He was something else. Keith let out another chuckle, making me curious about why.

"What's so funny?"

"Geez," Keith said as he stopped stroking my hair and had his arms wrap around my body, holding on to me tight. My heart started to race, and it was embarrassing to think that he could feel it, but at the same time, I could feel his too, "What did I do to deserve a girl like you, Athena?"

I kept still, wanting to hear what else he had to say, "I was a boy who shut out the world ever since my father died. I was always in trouble. I was a burden. No one wanted to be around me because of my attitude. Then, Shiro walked into my life and became an older brother to me. He someone I could look up to." Keith shifted a little more so he could take a better look at my face, causing me to look up at him. "Then you came along," He smiles.

Loving You to the Stars and Back // Keith x OC //Where stories live. Discover now